Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems <>
CALL FOR SPECIAL SESSION PROPOSALS IPMU’2022 seeks original research contributions of a theoretical and methodological nature as well as application-oriented contributions. Leading researchers and practitioners are invited to submit proposals for Special Sessions. The proponents are expected to provide sufficient evidence in support of their special session topic, explaining why it deserves distinct focus and how it relates to the themes of the conference. Evidence of the potential to attract a sufficient number of submissions to the special session should also be provided. Each special session is expected to attract 4 – 6 accepted papers. PROPOSAL FORMAT Send your proposal to the Special Sessions Chair Célia da Costa Pereira ( <>) in pdf format before Friday, 19 November 2021. Decisions on acceptance or rejection will be provided by Tuesday, 30 November 2021. The proposals should include the following information: Title of the session List of organizers with contact details and short biographical details (up to 100 words for each organizer) Description of the session, why the topic needs specific attention and how it relates to IPMU’2022 themes. REVIEW PROCESS OF SPECIAL SESSION SUBMISSIONS Papers submitted to the accepted special sessions will be treated as regular papers from both the perspective of the review process and of the proceedings (e.g., length, timeline). However, the session organizers will be asked to nominate reviewers. KEY DATES FOR SPECIAL SESSION PROPOSAL Special Session Proposals: Notification of Special Sessions Acceptance: Submission of Full Papers: Notification of Acceptance: Camera-ready Submission: Friday, 19 November 2021 (extended) Tuesday, 30 November 2021 Friday, 14 January 2022 Tuesday, 1 March 2022 Friday, 15 April 2022
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