******************* CALL FOR PAPERS 33rd Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence and 30th Belgian Dutch Conference on Machine Learning (BNAIC/BNLEARN 2021)
10 - 12 November, 2021 Belval, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg https://bnaic2021.uni.lu The 33rd Benelux Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the 30th Belgian Dutch Conference on Machine Learning (BNAIC/BNLEARN 2021) are organised as a joint conference by the University of Luxembourg, under the auspices of the Faculty of Science, Technology and Medicine (FSTM) and the Interdisciplinary Lab for Intelligent and Adaptive Systems (ILIAS), and the IT for Innovative Services (ITIS) research department of the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology. BNAIC/BENELEARN 2021 will be held in a hybrid online/onsite format and will provide ample opportunity for interaction between academics and businesses: academics are also encouraged to join the business sessions, and vice versa. ***************************** SUBMISSION INFORMATION Researchers are invited to submit unpublished original research on all aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Additionally, high-quality research results already published at international AI/ML conferences or journals are also welcome as extended abstracts. Four types of submissions are invited: Type A: Regular papers Papers presenting original work that advances Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. Position and review papers are also welcomed. These contributions should address a well-developed body of research, an important new area, or a promising new topic, and provide a big picture view. Type A papers can be long (10-15 pages, including references) or short (6-10 pages, including references). Contributions will be reviewed on the basis of their overall quality and relevance. Type B: Encore abstracts Abstracts of already published work that has been accepted in 2021 to any AI/ML conference. Authors are invited to submit the author version of their officially published paper together with a 2-page abstract (excluding references). Authors may submit at most one type B paper of which they are the corresponding author. Type C: Posters and demonstrations Posters and demonstration abstracts. Proposals should be submitted as a 2-page (excluding references) abstract. Demonstrations should also submit a short video illustrating the working of the system (not exceeding 15 minutes). Any system requirements should also be mentioned in the submission. Posters and demonstrations will be evaluated based on their originality and innovative character, the technology deployed, the purpose of the systems in interaction with users and/or other systems, and their economic and/or societal potential. Type D: Thesis abstracts Abstracts of graduation reports. Bachelor and Master students are invited to submit a 2-page abstract (excluding references) of their completed AI/ML-related thesis. Supervisors should be listed. The thesis should have been accepted after June 1, 2020. Submissions will be judged based on their originality and relevance for the conference. PRESENTATION Type A, B, and D papers can be accepted for either oral or poster presentation. PRIZES Just like past years, there will be prizes for the best paper (type A), best poster and demonstration (type C), and best thesis (type D). The best paper will be automatically nominated to the yearly special issue of AI Communications on Best of AI Research in Europe. PREPROCEEDINGS & POSTPROCEEDINGS Accepted contributions within all four categories will be included in the online conference proceedings. All contributions should be written in English, using the Springer CCIS/LNCS format (see https://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines) and submitted electronically via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bnaicbenelearn2021 Submission implies willingness of at least one author to register for BNAIC/BENELEARN 2021 and present the paper. For each paper, a separate author registration is required. Selected Type A long papers will be invited to submit to the postproceedings published in Springer’s CCIS series (https://www.springer.com/series/7899). ********************* IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission deadline: September 3, 2021 Author notification: October 1, 2021 Camera ready submission deadline: October 15, 2021 All deadlines are at 23:59, AoE time zone: https://time.is/Anywhere_on_Earth Conference: November 10-12, 2021 ********************** TOPICS OF INTEREST This year we encourage authors to submit academic work on the intersection of: AI & Arts The town where the conference will take place, Esch sur Alzette, will be the Cultural Capital of Europe in 2022. For this event the University of Luxembourg will create an AI & Art Pavilion, which aims to reflect on AI and the future of art including AI generated painting, AI painting style transfer, AI & Music, etc. In this emerging and hot topic, we expect papers exploring the relations between AI and Art from various points of view from using AI as a technology for art production to art production questioning the place of AI in our societies. AI & Law The application of AI tools in and for the legal domain is a manifold and continuously enriching area with quickly increasing interest from and involvement of both the legal professionals and AI researchers. The theoretical foundations and applications in AI & Law don’t only aim at modeling legal reasoning, providing analysis of trends and making legal tasks easier and more efficient, but also at providing foundations for law-abiding artificial agents. The topics range from rule-based reasoning, case-based reasoning, and formal legal ontologies, through computational legal argumentation, theory construction and legal deontics, until ML for legal analytics and RegTech. AI & Ethics The significant impact of AI, machine learning and robotics on society and the development of humanity is unquestionable. Its nature, controllability, tools, dangers and potential constraints have been subject to hot debates notably when AI is used in applications with sensitive ethical consequences (e-health, surveillance, human resources, micro-finance, etc.) since this raises concern about its fairness, accountability, and transparency. Thus, especially with the recent debates about user privacy and the Covid Tracking apps, this topic will remain a hot topic throughout the year of 2021. AI & Systems Over the last decade, computing became consistently ubiquitous and pervasive in all aspects of our private and professional lives, ending up in a seamless integration of distributed computing power, software, data, sensors, and actuators interacting with each other and with humans ultimately making the concept of ambient intelligence a reality as Cyber-Physical Social Systems. AI is central in such systems both as the functional computation building blocks and as means to create natural and seamless interactions among humans and between humans and their smart physical environment. From applying AI to IoT systems, paradigms like cognitive computing emerged and have raised the interest of the AI community. In this specific track, contributions on the application of AI on systems ranging from classic IoT to advanced cognitive systems including human in the loop are expected. A non-exhaustive list of topics includes: Automated Machine Learning and meta-learning Bayesian Learning Case-based Learning Causal Learning Clustering Computational Creativity Computational Learning Theory Computational Models of Human Learning Data Mining Data Visualisation Deep Learning Ensemble Methods Evaluation Frameworks Evolutionary Computation Feature Selection and Dimensionality Reduction Inductive Logic Programming Interactive AI Methods and Applications Kernel Methods Knowledge Discovery in Databases Learning and Ubiquitous Computing Learning in Multi-Agent Systems Learning from Big Data Learning from User Interactions Learning for Language and Speech Media Mining and Text Analytics ML and Information Theory ML Applications in Industry ML for Scientific Discovery ML in Non-stationary Environments ML with Expert-in-the-loop Natural Language Processing / Natural Language Understanding Neural Networks Online Learning Pattern Mining Predictive Modeling Ranking / Preference Learning / Information Retrieval Reinforcement Learning Representation Learning Robot Learning Social Networks Statistical Learning Structured Output Learning Transfer and Adversarial Learning
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