Apologies for multiple copies

We are glad to invite you to attend the 9th ICAPS workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob 2021).

The event will be an online virtual event and the program is full of interesting papers. The workshop program is also enriched by a keynote talk of Peter Stone (University of Texas at Austin) on "Task Planning and Learning for General-Purpose Service Robots"
(see below for details).

You may find more details about the program on the workshop web page and just below.

Thanks for your attention

Iman Awaad, Alberto Finzi, AndreA Orlandini
PlanRob 2021 Chairs

                         ** CALL FOR PARTICIPATION **

                9th ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics
                                    (PlanRob‚ 2021)


                               ICAPS 2021 Workshop
                            (Virtually in) Guangzhou, China
                             August 4 and August 5, 2021

Program   (Schedule in GMT)

*August 4th*
10:00   10:10   Intro

        Task & Motion Planning 1
10:10 10:35 24./Combining Task and Motion Planning through Rapidly-exploring Random Trees./Riccardo Caccavale and Alberto Finzi 10:35 11:00 14./Limits and Possibilities of Multi Goal Task Motion Planning./Stefan Edelkamp 11:00 11:25 13./Extended Task and Motion Planning of Long-horizon Robot Manipulation./Tianyu Ren, Georgia Chalvatzaki and Jan Peters 11:25 11:50 11./Multi-objective Path-based D* Lite./Zhongqiang Ren, Sivakumar Rathinam and Howie Choset
11:50   12:10   Break

        Space and Planetary Rover
12:10 12:35 12./MarsExplorer: Exploration of Unknown Terrains via Deep Reinforcement Learning and Procedurally Generated Environments./Dimitrios Koutras, Athanasios Kapoutsis, Angelos Amanatiadis and Elias Kosmatopoulos 12:35 13:00 8./A Sampling-Based Optimization Approach to Handling Environmental Uncertainty for a Planetary Lander./Connor Basich, Daniel Wang, Joseph Russino, Steve Chien and Shlomo Zilberstein 13:00 13:25 21./Deliberation and Plan Execution for Intra-vehicle Robotic Activities in Space. J./Benton, Abiola Akanni and Robert Morris
13:25   13:45   Break

        Cognitive and Trustworthy Robotics
13:45 14:10 17./Non-monotonic Logical Reasoning Guiding Axiom Induction from Deep Networks for Transparent Decision Making in Robotics./Mohan Sridharan and Tiago Mota 14:10 14:35 25./Two-layered Architecture for Telepresence Robots: Combining Personalization and Reactivity./Gloria Beraldo, Riccardo De Benedictis, Amedeo Cesta and Gabriella Cortellessa 14:35 15:00 19./Trust-Aware Planning:Modeling Trust Evolution in Longitudinal Human-Robot Interaction./Zahra Zahedi, Mudit Verma, Sarath Sreedharan and Subbarao Kambhampati
15:00   16:00   Keynote by Peter Stone

*August 5th*

        Planning with Uncertainty
10:00 10:25 3./An Interactive Approach for the Analysis and Shielding of Partially Observable Monte Carlo Planning Policies./Giulio Mazzi, Giovanni Bagolin, Alberto Castellini and Alessandro Farinelli 10:25 10:50 4./Combining Temporal and Probabilistic Planning for Robots Operating in Extreme Environments./Jun Hao Alvin Ng, Yaniel Carreno, Yvan Petillot and Ron Petrick 10:50 11:15 7./Probabilistic Plan Legibility with Off-the-shelf Planners./Michele Persiani and Thomas Hellstrom 11:15 11:40 23./Compiling Contingent Planning into Temporal Planning for Robust AUV Deployments./Yaniel Carreno, Yvan Petillot and Ron Petrick
11:40   12:00   Break

        Task & Motion Planning 2
12:00 12:25 15./SM2P: Towards a Robust Co-Pilot System for Helicopter EMS./Ian Mallet, Marcus Hoerger, Surabhi Gupta, Nisal Jayalath, Felipe Trevizan, Andrew Hunt, Hanna Kurniawati and Christophe Guettier 12:25 12:50 20./Learning Sampling Distributions for Efficient High-Dimensional Motion Planning./Naman Shah, Abhyudaya Srinet and Siddharth Srivastava 12:50 13:15 18./Benchmarking Sampling-based Motion Planning Pipelines for Wheeled Mobile Robots. Eric Heiden, Luigi Palmieri, Leonard Bruns, Kai O. Arras, Gaurav S./Sukhatme and Sven Koenig 13:15 13:40 6./Construction Site Automation: Open Challenges for Planning and Robotics./Paolo Forte, Anna Mannucci, Henrik Andreasson and Federico Pecora
13:40   14:00   Break

        Planning and Execution
14:00 14:25 2./An Action Interface Manager for ROSPlan./Stefan-Octavian Bezrucav, Gerard Canal, Michael Cashmore and Burkhard Corves 14:25 14:50 10./Real-time Planning and Execution for Industrial Operations./Filip Dvorak 14:50 15:15 16./State-Temporal Decoupling of Multi-Agent Plans under Limited Communication./Yuening Zhang, Jingkai Chen, Eric Timmons, Marlyse Reeves and Brian Williams
15:15   15:40   Closing

     Keynote Talk

On August 4th 3pm GMT byDr. Peter Stone <https://www.cs.utexas.edu/~pstone/>

         Title: Task Planning and Learning for General-Purpose Service


Despite recent progress in the capabilities of autonomous robots, especially learned robot skills, there remain significant challenges in building robust, scalable, and general-purpose systems for service robots. Our research aims to answer the question "How can symbolic reasoning and machine learning methods be combined to create general-purpose service robots that reason about high-level actions and adapt to the real world?"

We approach this question from two directions. First, we introduce planning algorithms that adapt to the environment using machine learning and exchanging knowledge with other agents. These algorithms allow robots to plan in open-world scenarios, to plan around other robots while avoiding conflicts and realizing synergies, and to adapt plans by learning action costs throughout executions in the real world. Second, we develop reinforcement learning (RL) methods for service robot systems. These methods address the challenges of maximizing the long-term average reward in continuing tasks, as well as improving sample efficiency by leveraging reasoning and planning via reward shaping. Taken together, our research makes significant strides towards solving the grand challenge of creating general-purpose service robots.

[Based on joint work with Yuqian Jiang and others]

AndreA Orlandini PhD

 National Research Council of Italy
 Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology
 Phone:  +39-06-44595-223      E-mail: andrea.orland...@istc.cnr.it
 Fax:    +39-06-44595-243      Url: http://www.istc.cnr.it/group/pst

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