Last call for papers for the *2nd International Workshop on Active Inference IWAI2021*, in conjunction with the European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML/PKDD 2021) that will be held VIRTUALLY in September 2021 in Bilbao, Spain.
* CALL FOR PAPERS* The 2nd International Workshop on Active Inference wants to bring together researchers on active inference as well as related research fields in order to discuss current trends, novel results, (real-world) applications, to what extent active inference can be used in modern machine learning settings, such as deep learning, and how it can be unified with the latest psychological and neurological insights. Accepted papers will be published in proceedings (Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science). Website: Twitter: @iwai_ws *Important dates* Workshop Date: September 13th or 17th, 2021 to be decided with the ECML conference Paper Submission Deadline: June 23rd, 2021 Extended July 7th, 2021 Acceptance Notification: July 28th, 2021 *Topics of interest* Papers on all subjects and applications of active inference and related research areas are welcome. - Active inference - (Bayesian) surprise - Cognitive robotics - Control as inference - Variational inference - Computational neuroscience - (Deep) generative models - State-space models - Representation learning - Intrinsic motivation - Intelligent systems - Decision making in economics - etc *Paper submissions* We welcome submissions of papers with up to 8 printed pages (excluding references) in LNCS format (click here for details). Submissions will be evaluated according to their originality and relevance to the workshop, and should have an abstract of 60-100 words. Contributions should be in PDF format and submitted via Easychair: In accordance with the main conference, will apply a double-blind review process (see also the double-blind reviewing process section below for further details). All papers need to be anonymized in the best of efforts. It is allowed to have a (non-anonymous) online pre-print. Reviewers will be asked not to search for them. On behalf of the organizers, Tim Verbelen, Daniela Cialfi, Maxwell Ramstead, Christopher Buckley and Pablo Lanillos --- Dr. Pablo Lanillos Tenured assistant professor in Cognitive Artificial Intelligence | AI Robotics Lab ELLIS Nijmegen Unit Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, the Netherlands p.lanillos @
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