The newly established Collaborative Research Center (CRC 318) „Constructing 
explainability“ at Bielefeld University and University of Paderborn (Germany) 
investigates how algorithmic decisions can be interactively explained through 
dialogical processes in human-AI interaction. The CRC is a DFG-funded research 
unit and brings together researchers from Computer Science, Linguistics, 
Cognitive Science, Psychology and Social Sciences in 17 subprojects to work on 
different aspects of this problem ( 

The project A01 „Adaptive Explanation Generation“ aims to study the linguistic 
and cognitive mechanisms that enable explainers to adapt their explanations to 
the explainee, based on partner and domain models they maintain throughout the 
interaction. The project is carried out in cooperation between 
Computer/Cognitive Science, Linguistics and Psychology. In this project the 
Social Cognitive Systems Group at Bielefeld University (Prof. Stefan Kopp) 
seeks to fill a

 *** fully funded, 4-year PhD position ***

The successful candidate will develop a computational cognitive model of 
rational decision making in pragmatic explanation-giving. This research builds 
on and brings together methods from A.I. (learning-based, probabilistic 
decision models), Cognitive Science (models of mental representation) and 
Linguistics (Rational speech act theory, dialog modeling).

The position will start around August/September 2021, or as soon as possible 
afterwards as long as the position has not been filled. The duration is for 4 

A detailed job announcement can be found at

If you have any questions, please get in touch with Stefan Kopp 
( <>). <> 
<> <> <>

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