** Apologies for cross-posting **

We are happy to announce the 8th Causal Inference Workshop at UAI 2021,
which will be held virtually *on July 30, 2021 (all details below). *

Moreover, the registration at UAI 2021 is ***free for **BSc/MSc/PhD
students before July 2***, so let your students and colleagues know about
this great opportunity.


Deadline -- May 31st, 2021

Workshop -- July 30, 2021 -- ONLINE


The workshop is now accepting submissions of extended abstracts of 2-4
pages in standard UAI format through CMT:

The submission deadline is **31st of May, 23:59 UTC**.

The workshop program will consist of invited talks as well as talks and
poster presentations based on submissions to the workshop. Confirmed
invited speakers for this year’s workshop are:

Razieh Nabi
Johns Hopkins University, and

Andrea Rotnitzky
Universidad Torcuato Di Tella and Harvard School of Public Health.

We expect the workshop to cover an array of the latest methodological and
applied research in causal inference. This includes, but is not limited to,
the following topics:

   - causal learning methods, including novel ways of exploiting expert
   - methods for causal prediction and causal effect evaluation,
   - methods evaluating the quality of causal prediction,
   - methods addressing causal miss-specification and hidden confounders,
   - addressing the challenge of practical causal inference in the context
   of real-world applications.

We hope you will consider submitting your ideas to our workshop, and we
look forward to seeing you there *on July 30th*!

More information on the workshop and submissions can be found at:


On behalf of the organizers,

Ema Perković (chair), University of Washington

Frederick Eberhardt, Caltech

Sara Magliacane, University of Amsterdam / MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab

Betsy Ogburn, Johns Hopkins University

Thomas Richardson, University of Washington

Kun Zhang, CMU
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