Call for papers  (apologies for multiple posting)


Workshop Title

Towards the factory of the future: advancements in planning and control of industrial robots

Organized and Co-chaired by

Marco Faroni, National Research Council of Italy, CNR-STIIMA

Alessandro Umbrico, National Research Council of Italy, CNR-ISTC

Manuel Beschi, University of Brescia

The workshop will be held during the 26th International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2021 -

Important Dates

Submission deadline: June 11th

Acceptance notification: July 7th

Deadline for final manuscripts: July 14th


Aims and Objectives


Industrial robots play a key role in industrial automation. Robotic arms populate shop-floors: they are used for pick-and-place, assembly, inspection, and many other tasks, to increase the throughput of productive processes and alleviate fatigue and risks of human workers. A huge research effort has been put into the reasoning, planning, and control of robotic manipulators. Nonetheless, industrial implementations often do not exploit at full the great advancements made in these fields. This workshop aims to discuss how recent developments in the planning and control of robot manipulators, on the one hand, and the synergetic integration with results from Artificial Intelligence, on the other, can advance the state of the art and be applied to real-world manufacturing processes. Among the many challenges in the field, the workshop will focus on the following trends that emerged in recent years:


   Human-robot collaboration: collaborative robots are expected to play
   a key role in the factories of the future. The collaboration between
   humans and robots is supposed to combine the dexterity and reasoning
   ability of humans with the precision and continuity of robots.
   Current industrial solutions often lack smoothness and collaboration
   results to be discontinuous. This occurs at different
   decision-making levels. For example, implementations of safety rules
   according to safety standards (e.g., ISO-TS 15066) stop the robot as
   soon as human workers enter the robot workspace. Moreover, robot
   trajectories are often pre-computed and do not adapt to the system
   changes. Finally, ordering, scheduling, and assignment of tasks do
   not model human behaviors and preferences, resulting in poor
   dependability and jeopardizing the overall collaboration experience.
   Recent advances in task and motion planning addressed this issue in
   many several ways. Innovative methods have been developed to improve
   safety, ergonomics, and the efficiency of the process. Nonetheless,
   a well-established common paradigm is still to come.


   Cognitive manufacturing: a central aspect concerning the integration
   of AI and Robotics in modern manufacturing scenarios is the
   enhancement of perception and reasoning capabilities of robotic
   solutions. AI technologies can indeed help to endow robot
   controllers with the  necessary cognitive capabilities to
   “understand” the state of human operators and the environment as
   well as contextualize robot behaviors accordingly. A collaborative
   robot would, for example, dynamically adapt its behaviors to known
   skills and monitored physiological state of human workers (e.g.,
   ergonomics, cognitive load, fatigue, etc.) in order to achieve a
   smooth and natural interaction. Such higher level of cognition is
   crucial to systematically include human-factors in the loop and
   really enable symbiotic, personalized and adaptive interactions
   between humans and robots.


   Flexible manipulation in challenging scenarios: pick-and-place,
   sorting, and packaging can be efficiently automatized when they are
   required to manipulate objects with low variability (similar sizes
   and shapes) and they are performed in structured environments.
   However, when it comes to partially structured environments or
   high-variability, current industrial solutions usually fail because
   of a lack of flexibility and efficiency. Similarly, manipulation of
   large and/or deformable objects is still a hard task to perform with
   robotic manipulators. Examples are those draping processes required
   in automotive and aerospace (carbon-fiber manipulation) and in the
   textile industry. Despite these topics have been addressed for a
   long time by researchers, real-world implementations and successful
   case studies are rare and only recent research projects are trying
   to effectively automatize these processes. These new solutions
   should integrate vision, learning, and planning.

We invite researchers from both industry and academia to contribute to this workshop with papers on their recent advances in these fields, focusing on both theoretical methodology and industrial case studies.



This workshop is partially supported by the EU funded project Sharework (H2020 Factories of the Future GA No. 820807) <>.

Topics of interest (but not limited to)


Applicants are expected to be conducting research in the field of planning and control of Industrial robots. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):


   Human-aware planning and execution in human-robot collaboration


   Motion planning and control in dynamic environments


   Long-term autonomy in human-robot collaborative scenarios


   Manipulation of deformable/large objects


   Combined task and motion planning


   Multi-robot coordination and synchronization


   Design and optimization of robotized workcells


   Human-centered design of robotized cells


   Safety and ergonomics of physical human-robot collaboration


   Failure detection and recovery in HRC control systems


   Evaluation methods for HRC workplaces and process (productivity,
   flexibility, etc.)


   Vision and control of industrial robots for HRI applications


   Novel Sensing and grasping technologies for HRI


   Interfaces for real-time path and motion planning and collision


   Case studies, experiments, ethics and outreach



Papers are limited to 8 double column pages.

They must comply with ETFA guidelines regarding formatting ( and must be submitted electronically in PDF format through the conference submission system:

Accepted papers must be presented at the workshop in order to be included in the ETFA conference proceedings and will be published on IEEE Xplore.

Organisation Chairs


Marco Faroni

Institute of Intelligent Industrial Technologies and Systems for Advanced Manufacturing (STIIMA)

National Research Council (CNR), Italy

Alessandro Umbrico

Institute for Cognitive Science and Technologies (ISTC)

National Research Council (CNR), Italy

Manuel Beschi

Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering

University of Brescia, Italy

Program Committee


Cosmin Copot, University of Antwerp, Belgium

Martina Lippi, University of ROMA TRE, Italy

Sotiris Makris, LMS, University of Patras, Greece

Andrea Orlandini, National Research Council of Italy (CNR-ISTC), Italy

Simone Pasinetti, University of Brescia, Italy

Nicola Pedrocchi, National Research Council of Italy (CNR-STIIMA), Italy

José Saenz, Fraunhofer IFF, Germany

Alberto Tellaeche, University of Deusto, Spain

Dr. Alessandro Umbrico, PhD

National Research Council of Italy
Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies


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