15th Bayesian Modeling Applications Workshop (@UAI2021

Call for Submissions

July 30, 2021  (½ day, time TBC -  starting either 6am or  6pm US Pacific

Location: Online


Submission deadline: Abstract 25th May, Submissions (Extended Abstract or
Paper) 28th May.

Continuing in a successful tradition, the 15th Bayesian Modeling
Applications Workshop provides a forum for exchange among researchers,
applications practitioners and tool developers. Submissions (papers or
extended abstracts) are solicited of real-world applications of Bayesian
models and computational methods. The aim of the workshop is to foster
discussion on the challenges of building applications, such as: integrating
Bayesian models and tools into larger hybrid applications; validating
models; interacting with, and explaining outputs and decisions to, users,
decision makers and stakeholders; constructing and updating models through
combined knowledge elicitation and learning; and deploying and managing
cloud and app-based Bayesian applications. In particular, the workshop
solicits abstracts/papers describing Bayesian applications that involve
topics such as (but not limited to):


   Learning and inference with graphical models;

   Causal discovery and causal reasoning;

   Geospatial and temporal reasoning;

   Risk analysis and decision making under uncertainty;

   Bayesian Deep Learning and Deep Bayesian Learning;

   Tractable probabilistic models;

   Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI);

   Data processing, transformation, fusion, visualization, of many
   different types of data, and of Big Data;

   Combining machine learning and elicitation of expert knowledge.

The workshop is not restricted to a particular application area or
discipline. Instead, the workshop encourages interdisciplinary
collaboration and cross fertilization. Final workshop talks and
‘posters/demos’ (held via  ‘breakout rooms’, with a 3 minute lighting talk
to full workshop) will be selected with the goal of fostering discussion of
critical issues within the community of practice.

The workshop will accept two types of  submissions:


   Extended Abstracts: in UAI format
   <https://auai.org/uai2021/submission_instructions>, 1-2 pages (including
   reference list), using the online submission process.



   Full paper submissions (for peer review and inclusion in proceedings)
   should be in UAI format
   <https://auai.org/uai2021/submission_instructions>, limited to 8 pages,
   using the online submission process. All papers will be peer reviewed by at
   least two independent referees.

Abstracts and Papers must be submitted electronically in PDF format via the
EasyChair online submission page:

We encourage submission of abstracts for applications papers that have been
accepted at the main UAI 2021 conference, if authors are interested in
attending this workshop and having additional  conversations regarding
their application. A decision on whether to offer an oral or poster/demo
presentation at the Workshop will depend on whether the paper has been
given a UAI oral or poster presentation.

The format of the workshop will be a combination of oral and poster
presentation, with demonstrations encouraged for both, grouped to
facilitate discussion.

As in past years, proceedings (full papers, and abstracts) will be
published online (as a CEUR Workshop Proceedings Volume), and selected
papers may be invited to submit to a special issue of a journal.


   25 May 2021: Abstract submission (required for both types of submission;
   one paragraph to 2 pages)

   28 May 2021: Full paper submission. 23:59 GMT/UTC (midnight on Saturday
   night, Coordinated Universal  Time).

   30 June 2021: Author notification

   20 July 2021: Camera ready copy due (for full papers)

   30 July 2021: Workshop (following the UAI2021 main conference, July



   Ann Nicholson (Monash University, Australia)

   Marek Druzdzel (University of Pittsburgh, USA & Bialystok University of
   Technology, Poland)

The contact email address for the chairs is: bmaw.uai.2...@gmail.com.


   Russell Almond (Florida State  University, USA)

   Francisco Javier Diez (UNED,Spain)

   María Julia Flores Gallego (University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain)

   Kathryn B. Laskey  (George Mason  University,USA)

   Thomas Dyhre Nielsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)

   Robert Schrag (USA)

   V Anne Smith (St Andrews, UK)

   L. Enrique Sucar (INAOEP, Mexico)



Interim Dean

Faculty of Information Technology

Monash University, Clayton, VIC 3800, Australia

Office: 29 Ancora Imparo Way (Blg 6), Clayton Campus

T: +61 3 9905 5146

M: +61 (0)448 019 439

E: ann.nichol...@monash.edu <name.surn...@monash.edu>

S: ann.nicholson.monash

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/nicholsonann <https://www.linkedin.com/>

Twitter: @ann_nicholson <https://twitter.com/ann_nicholson>

We acknowledge and pay respects to the Elders and Traditional Owners of the
land on which our four Australian campuses stand. Information for
Indigenous Australians <https://www.monash.edu/indigenous-australians>.

*I'm an **L**G**B**T**I**Q Ally. *Find out more at monash.edu/ally. We're
committed to diversity and inclusion. <http://www.monash.edu/it>
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