The AI department at the Donders Institute has two postdoc positions available 
for the new SPIKEFERENCE project. The application deadline is 9 May 2021.

The SPIKEFERENCE project, co-founded by the Human Brain Project (HBP), aims to 
control industrial robots with neuroscience-inspired algorithms providing 
adaptation and conditional hierarchical problem-solving. You will work in close 
collaboration with the supervisors, other postdocs and a PhD student. You will 
join an exciting and vibrant young team of experts in ML, AI and neuromorphic 
computing, and profit from the newly created ELLIS unit in Nijmegen and the HBP 

Postdoc 1. Deep Learning profile -
This postdoctoral researcher position is framed in a new promising line of 
research within neuroscience-inspired artificial intelligence linked to 
adaptation and improvisation. Starting from our current deep active inference 
models, you will develop novel algorithms for robot perception and action by 
combining ideas from state representation learning, variational inference and 
functional models of the brain.

Postdoc 2. SpikingNN robot control profile -
This postdoctoral researcher position will develop SNN models for robot 
control, inspired by our current deep active inference algorithms and SNN 
controllers, assess and validate them against current predictive coding SNNs 
models, and demonstrate the networks on the Neurorobotics platform, from a 
simple proof of concept in basic environments to initial control of a UR5e.

Do you want to shape the future of robot AI? Join Us. Soon the SPIKEFERENCE 
website will be available!
Link to the recently awarded project:

Pablo Lanillos, Serge Thill, Marcel van Gerven.

Dr. Pablo Lanillos |
Assistant professor in Cognitive Artificial Intelligence | AI Robotics Lab
ELLIS Nijmegen Unit
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, the Netherlands
p.lanillos @

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