We are hiring postdoctoral fellows and research assistants interested in
advancing the state of the art in collaborative/federated/multi-party
learning (incentive-aware mechanism design, data valuation, privacy,
heterogeneous black-box model fusion), machine unlearning, and adversarial
ML, with application to trusted data/model sharing for a period of 1 year
with possible renewal/extension.

The postdoctoral fellows and research assistants will be based in the
School of Computing of the National University of Singapore (NUS) and have
the opportunity to collaborate with/co-advise the PhD and undergraduate
students in our research group.

For more information on our research group, interests, and recent papers in
ICML, NeurIPS, UAI, AISTATS, and AAAI, visit
https://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~lowkh/research.html). In particular, see the
tab on "Trusted Model/Data Sharing and Data Valuation".

A recorded seminar on our recent works is also available here:

The postdoctoral fellow, research assistant, and Ph.D. student positions
are financially supported by a 4-year AI Singapore research grant award
titled "Toward Trustable Model-centric Sharing for Collaborative Machine
Learning" (https://ids.nus.edu.sg/TrustedCollabML.html).

For the postdoc positions, a successful candidate should have a Ph.D. in
computer science and engineering, machine learning, statistics, math, data
science, operations research or other related disciplines. A good
publication record in the premier machine learning and AI conferences
and/or journals is preferred. He/she must have a strong proficiency in

For the RA position, a successful candidate should have a Bachelor’s degree
in computer science and engineering, statistics, math, data science,
operations research or other related disciplines from a reputable
university and a strong academic track record (especially in math,
statistics, and algorithms courses). A good publication record in the
premier machine learning and AI conferences and/or journals is a bonus.
He/she must have a strong proficiency in programming.

If you are interested to apply, please send a short cover letter describing
your suitability for the position, detailed CV with academic ranking (if
any) and publication list, a concise description of research interests and
future plans, and academic transcripts to:

Dr. Bryan Low and See-Kiong Ng
Emails: lo...@comp.nus.edu.sg, n...@comp.nus.edu.sg
Websites: https://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~lowkh/research.html,

We will begin reviewing applications for the positions immediately.

Bryan Low
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, National University of
Deputy Director, AI Research, AI Singapore
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