Dear Sir/Madam
Call For Papers- CSoNET 2021

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CSoNet 2021 provides a premier interdisciplinary forum to bring together 
researchers and practitioners from all fields of big data and social networks, 
such as billion-scale network computing, social network/media analysis, mining, 
security and privacy, and deep learning and applications. CSoNet 2021 seeks to 
address emerging yet important computational problems, with a focus on the 
fundamental background, theoretical developments, and real-world applications 
associated with big data network analysis, modelling, and deep learning and 
understanding. The conference solicits theoretical, methodological, empirical, 
and experimental research reporting original and unpublished results on 
computational big data and social networks. Topics of interest include, but are 
not limited to:

  *   Real-world Complex Networks Analysis
  *   Trends and Pattern Analysis in Social Networks
  *   Representation Learning on Networks
  *   Big Data Analysis
  *   Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Real-world Social Platforms
  *   Network Structure Analysis and Dynamics Optimization
  *   Data Network Design and Architecture
  *   Information Diffusion Models and Techniques
  *   Security and Privacy in Data Networks and Analysis
  *   Efficient Algorithms for Large-scale Data Networks Computing
  *   Reputation and Trust in Social Media
  *   Social Influence, Recommendation, and Media
  *   Applications of Complex Data Network Analysis
  *   Energy Efficiency in Mobile Data Networks
  *   Natural Language Understanding and Applications for Social Media
  *   E-commerce and Social Media Marketing
  *   Deep Learning on Graphs and its Applications
  *   Stock Market Prediction and Stock Recommendation with Social Media Data
  *   Anomaly Detection, Security, and Privacy in Big Data Networks
  *   Analysis of Signed and Attributed Real-world Networks
  *   Multidimensional Graph Analysis
  *   Algorithmic Fairness in Social Network Analysis and Graph Mining.
  *   Socially-relevant Analytics from Social Media Contents (e.g., Bias, 
Toxicity, etc.)

Accepted papers will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer 
Science, and indexed by ISI (CPCI-S, included in ISI Web of Science), EI 
Engineering Index (Compendex and Inspec databases), ACM Digital Library, DBLP, 
Google Scholar, MathSciNet, etc. Also, extended versions of selected best 
papers will be invited for publication in the Journal of Combinatorial 
Optimization, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, and 
Computational Social Networks.

Authors who are interested in the above topics can submit their unpublished 
work to CSoNet 2021. A clear indication of the motivation and comparison with 
prior related work should be presented. Simultaneous submission to a journal or 
another conference with refereed proceedings is not allowed.

Submissions must adhere to the following guidelines:

  *   Papers must be formatted using the LNCS format 
 without altering margins or the font point.
  *   The maximum length of a regular paper (including references) is 12 pages; 
2 pages for an extended abstract.
  *   Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be placed in an appendix to 
be read by the program committee members at their discretion.

Submission link: <>

Organizing Committee

General Chairs

Long Le, University of Quebec

Jun Pei, Hefei University of Technology

Program Chairs

Ruoming Jin, Kent State University

David Mohaisen, University of Central Florida

Important Dates:

Abstract Submission                           June 6, 2021

Paper Submission                              June 20, 2021

Acceptance Notification                      September 10, 2021

Camera Ready & Registration           September 24, 2021

Conference Dates                               November 15-17, 2021

Conference Mode of Operation:

The conference is planned as an in-person conference, allowing those who cannot 
be present in person to attend and present virtually. Depending on the 
development of COVID-19 and the vaccination, the mode of the conference will be 
revised accordingly.

More Information about the conference and the organizers is available at

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