MLVis 2021: Machine Learning Methods in Visualisation - Call For Papers
MLVis 2021 will be a co-located workshop at EuroVis 2021. It aims to bring Machine Learning and Visualization researchers together in order to exchange research ideas. We solicit short papers on machine learning methods in visualisation, from both the machine learning and visualisation communities, addressing how the two technologies can be used together to provide greater insight to end users. Paper submissions for MLVis should be at most 4 pages in MLVis 2021 latex style (provided on the website), with an additional page allowed for references. Papers are to be submitted via the PCS system, link on the website. Proceedings will be published by the Eurographics Association, and be stored on the Eurographics Digital Library. Selected papers may be invited to ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems. Important Dates: Submission deadline: April 12, 2021 Notification deadline: May 3, 2021 Camera-ready deadline: May 14, 2021 Workshop: June 14, 2021 All submission deadlines are at 23:59 Anywhere on Earth on the date indicated. -- Professor Ian Nabney Head of School School of Computer Science, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Engineering Maths Merchant Venturers Building Woodland Road Bristol BS8 1UB PA: Donna Exon-Bartlett<> Tel: +44 (0)117 9545261 I sometimes work at irregular times to suit my personal pattern of working. If this email arrives out of normal working hours, please note I do not expect a reply.
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