Call for Doctoral Consortium Papers: AIME 2021 *******EXTENDED DEADLINE******* Important Dates Submission deadline: April 12, 2021 Notification of acceptance: April 28, 2021 Camera-ready submission deadline: May 21, 2021 Doctoral Consortium: June 16, 2021 The 9th Doctoral Consortium in conjunction with the AIME 2021 conference will provide an opportunity for PhD students to present their research plans or their preliminary work in an informal and supportive atmosphere. The PhD students will be able to discuss their plans, preliminary results (optional), and the specific problems they are encountering. They will get feedback and advice from the Academic Panel including a number of prominent academic researchers with substantial experience in the field who will actively give constructive feedback and advice and contribute to the discussions. The Doctoral Consortium will host the presentations by at most 6 PhD students who will be selected by the Doctoral Consortium chair. It will also include a short intensive tutorial on structuring a research paper (and the corresponding work) on different topics and with different perspectives (theoretical, methodological, experimental, application-oriented), and will be concluded with a general discussion and evaluation. Submission Unlike other conference submissions, a Doctoral Consortium submission pertains specifically to the PhD thesis as a whole or part thereof (thereafter both will be termed the research work). Submissions should describe (in 2000-2500 words, approx. 4-5 pages) a research plan on a topic related to AI in medicine and include the following elements: Title and author, The problem, with an argument of why it is important, The goal and the research questions, The planned approach and methods for solving the problem An outline of what is already known about the research problem The expected results from the research work like overviews, algorithms, better understanding of a concept, a pilot, model or system, Any questions you might have or problems you encounter for which you specifically would like feedback on such as: Do I need to write a systematic review before I start? How should I proceed? Where should I consider publishing? How should I evaluate my work? Which courses would suit me best to carry out the work? Is it normal to meet my supervisor once a week/month/year? Submissions be formatted according to the Springer’s LNCS format (see and send by e-mail in PDF format to David Riaño with the subject line AIME19 Doctoral Consortium submission. (Note: Each submission will be confirmed by a return message. If a confirmation message has not been received within 5 days after submission, please contact David Riaño to inform about it). Submissions will be reviewed by members of the Academic Panel and by submitting students (each student will be asked to review one submission prepared by another person). Based on reviews, the Doctoral Consortium chair will select about 6 submissions to be presented and discussed during the meeting. The selection will be based on the relevancy to AI in medicine topics (see for example the scope for AIME 2019), relevancy to the doctoral consortium (there is for example no point to present finished work at the meeting), the clarity of writing, and the resulting spectrum of presented topics. Selected submissions will appear in workshop notes that will be distributed among conference participants. For more information about the Doctoral Consortium please contact to David Riaño ( Participation Students accepted for the Doctoral Consortium will be offered participation grants to cover their registration fees for the Consortium and for the main conference. Moreover, the Consortium is opened for audience - anybody interested in presentations and discussion is welcome to come. Dr Allan Tucker Reader Head of Intelligent Data Analysis Group: Brunel University London College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences Department of Computer Science Brunel University London, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, United Kingdom<> Student Support The University will be closed for the Easter break from Monday 29 March and will reopen on Wednesday 7 April. If you are living on campus, your Residences Office will be open each day and our Security team will be available 24/7 in case of an emergency. Whether on campus or off, Student Space<> is an free online tool by Student Minds to help support students with mental wellbeing tips, as well as individual phone/online support services. If you require urgent or out-of-hours support, the following services are available to you: Brunel Campus Security: 01895 255 786 from external lines and mobiles (available 24/7) Non-Emergency NHS Helpline: 111 (available 24/7) Samaritans: 116 123 (open 24 hours) Staying Safe on (and off) Campus<> <> <>
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