* Call for Special Tracks *

2nd IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS 2021)
Magdeburg, Germany, 8-10 September 2021

Conference Theme: Human Centered Systems for our Digital World


The 2021 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS) will be held in Magdeburg, Germany. ICHMS will provide a remarkable opportunity for the academic and industrial communities to address new challenges and share solutions, and discuss future research directions in the important area of Human-Machines Systems.

The special tracks focus on well established “sub topics” of the Human Machine Systems research area – mainly driven by activities of the SMC Society HMS Technical Committees. The tracks are intended to collect contributions from the HMS community, focusing on topics such as Companion Technology, Brain-Machine Interfaces and Systems, Human-AI Interaction and Cognitive Computing & Engineering, Interactive and Wearable Computing and Systems, Collaborative Intelligent Systems and Applications and Human Factors Engineering. An open call for special tracks will enable researchers to enrich the conference program by inclusion of upcoming hot topics and will increase visibility in their community. Submitted papers will undergo the same review process as regular contributions.

Proposals should be directed by Email to the General Chairs of the conference:

    Andreas Nürnberger andreas.nuernber...@ovgu.de and
    Giancarlo Fortino g.fort...@unical.it

* Proposal Template *
Special Track proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file not longer than 4 (four) pages containing the following sections: - Special Track organizers (affiliation, contact details, homepage, prior experiences with workshop organization)
 - Motivation and scientific relevance to the conference audience
- Keywords (describing the main themes of the Special Tracks) (from 3 to 5)
 - Abstract (up to 200 words)
- Description of the Special Tracks (topics and goals of the Special Tracks) (up to 800 words)
 - Initial list of potential reviewers
 - Previous editions of the Special Tracks series (if applicable)

* Deadlines *
Continues call for Special Track Proposals until April 1, 2021. Proposed Special Tracks will be announced on a continuing basis as soon as accepted; so we welcome early submission to increase visibility. Deadline for submission of contributions for Regular Papers and Special Tracks: May 15, 2021

Financial and Technical Sponsorship:
IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (https://www.ieeesmc.org/)

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