*************************************************************** ICAPS 2021 Journal Presentation Track Call for Papers
https://icaps21.icaps-conference.org/Calls/journal-track.html (fixed url) ************************ Deadline: April 18 ************************ *************************************************************** The program committee of the 31st International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) invites submissions of published journal papers for the Journal Presentations Track, initiated in 2014. The track is designed to provide a forum to discuss important results related to automated planning and scheduling that appeared recently (from January 2020 onwards) in selective journals, but have not been previously presented either at ICAPS or at any other major AI conference (such as IJCAI, AAAI, ECAI). The goal of this track is twofold: To provide authors an opportunity to present at the conference important results published in journals that might otherwise not be submitted to the conference due to their length and complexity. Papers that differ from traditional ICAPS format and topics are welcome. To broaden the program with lines of work at the intersection between planning/scheduling and related fields such as for example constraint programming, operations research, control, knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning, multi-agent systems, robotics, transportation, computer games, and cognitive science. Papers that use planning and scheduling in some innovative way (even if they do not advance the planning technology itself) are welcome. Paper Presentation All accepted journal presentations will be presented orally during the conference – at least one author is expected to register to ICAPS 2021 and to present the paper online. Complete citations, abstracts and URLs of the original journal papers (if available from the publisher) will be published on the ICAPS 2021 web site as a permanent reference. Submission Requirements Journal track submissions must meet the following criteria: Candidate papers must be published in a journal such as (but not limited to) AIJ, JAIR, EJOR, AURO, JAAMAS, KER and other leading journals relevant to each research area from January 2020 until the submission deadline. Papers that are in press may be submitted as long as the final camera-ready version is available. Extensions of papers that have been previously presented at ICAPS or another major AI conference (such as IJCAI, AAAI, ECAI) may be submitted to this track. However, submissions will be reviewed upon the strength of the new content. Submission Process All submissions will be done via EasyChair using https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=icaps2021. The submission will be in the following format (please include all elements other than the original paper as a zip archive in the supplementary material): - Title of the original journal paper (to be published on the Web); - Complete reference of the original paper (to be published on the Web); - URL where the paper can be downloaded from the publisher if available, or alternatively a preprint (to be published on the Web); - Abstract of the paper (to be published on the Web); - An accompanying cover letter containing a brief summary of the key results and contributions. It is crucial to include information about importance of the paper and its contributions for the ICAPS community; - A copy of the paper with its final camera-ready contents. Submissions will go through an expedited selection process led by the track chairs. Selection criteria include significance of the results together with the relevance to the planning and scheduling community. Important Dates Submission deadline: April 18, 2021 Notification of acceptance: May 10, 2021 ICAPS conference: June 7-12, 2021 The reference timezone for all deadlines is UTC-12 (AoE time). That is, as long as there is still some place Anywhere on Earth where the deadline has not yet passed, you are on time. Conference Website http://icaps21.icaps-conference.org/ Journal Presentations Track Chairs: Malte Helmert University of Basel (malte.helm...@unibas.ch) Hana Rudova Masaryk University (ha...@fi.muni.cz) If you have any inquiries related to the track, please contact the track chairs. _______________________________________________ uai mailing list uai@engr.orst.edu https://it.engineering.oregonstate.edu/mailman/listinfo/uai