Phd Postion: Emergent Behavior and Responsibility in Mixed-traffic Interactions
          Delft University of Technology
          Deadline: April 4, 2021

        Challenge: Mitigate responsibility gaps associated with automated 
vehicles (AVs)
      Change: Understand emergent phenomena in multi-agent human-AV interactions
      Impact: Provide concrete measures and models of emergent behaviors in 
complex human-AV interactions

Job description

      Modelling and analysis of human interactions in traffic is notoriously 
complex. The introduction of automated vehicles (AVs) in mixed-traffic 
interactions further increases this complexity and can contribute to emergent 
behaviors leading to responsibility gaps, situations in which there is no human 
who is responsible for avoiding undesirable consequences. Current research on 
human-AV interactions focuses mainly on the interactions between one human and 
one automated vehicle, however, the same computational approaches are unlikely 
to scale up to multiple interacting heterogeneous agents.

      You will study and model traffic interactions of multiple human-driven 
and autonomous vehicles by combining experiments in a driving simulator, 
cognitive modeling, and multi-agent simulations. You will develop novel 
experimental approaches to study traffic interactions, and investigate how to 
measure, model, and predict novel human and AV behaviors emerging in these 
interactions. The cornerstone of this project is the notion of human 
responsibility; you will develop ways of quantifying responsibility in the 
context of mixed-traffic interactions and provide insights into how it can be 
facilitated through interaction design. Your work will, first, contribute to a 
better understanding of emergent effects and diffusion of responsibility due to 
autonomous vehicle penetration, and second, provide guidelines for the 
development of automated vehicles capable of handling complex, multi-agent 
traffic interactions.

      HERALD Lab is a Delft Artificial Intelligence Lab. Artificial 
Intelligence, Data and Digitalisation are becoming increasingly important when 
looking for answers to major scientific and societal challenges. In a DAI-lab, 
experts in ‘the fundamentals of AI technology’ along with experts in ‘AI 
challenges’ run a shared lab. As a PhD, you will work with at least two 
academic members of staff and three other PhD candidates. In total TU Delft 
will establish 24 DAI-Labs, where 48 Tenure Trackers and 96 PhD candidates will 
have the opportunity to push the boundaries of science using AI. You will be a 
member of the thriving DAI-Lab community that forsters cross-fertilization 
between talents with different expertise and disciplines.

      Each team is driven by research questions which arise from scientific and 
societal challenges, and contribute to the development and execution of domain 
specific education. You will receive a 5-year contract and will be deployed for 
AI-related education for the usual teaching effort for PhD students in the 
faculty plus an additional 20%. The extra year compared to the usual 4-year 
contract accommodates the 20% additional AI, Data and Digitalisation education 
related activities. All team members have many opportunities for 

      HERALD Lab is led by Luca Laurenti and Arkady Zgonnikov. You will work at 
the Department of Cognitive Robotics (Faculty of Mechanical, Maritime and 
Materials Engineering) and will closely collaborate with the Interactive 
Intelligence group (Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer 
Science). You will be supervised by Arkady Zgonnikov and Luciano Cavalcante 

      Need to have:
      An MSc degree in artificial intelligence, complex systems, 
transportation, human factors, cognitive sciences, or related areas.
      Open-mindedness and motivated interest in interdisciplinary research.
      Affinity with teaching and supervising students.
      Solid programming skills.
      Ability to take initiative.
      Proficient in verbal and written English.

      In addition, experience with one or more of the following topics is 
considered a plus: agent-based modeling, game-theoretic modeling, cognitive 
modeling, experiments with human subjects, microscopic traffic simulation, 
ethics of AI.   

Conditions of employment
      TU Delft offers DAI-Lab PhD-candidates a 5-year contract, with an 
official go/no go progress assessment after one year. The duration of your 
employment contract corresponds to the envisaged time of 5 years to complete 
your Doctoral programme as agreed with you. As a DAI lab PhD candidate you will 
be specifically deployed for AI-related education within the DAI labs 
programme. Therefore the duration of your employment contract is 5 years 
instead of a standard 4 year PhD contract. The extra year accommodates for the 
additional teaching load with regard to AI, Data and Digitalization education 
related activities.

      Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Collective Labour 
Agreement for Dutch Universities, increasing from € 2395 per month in the first 
year to € 3217 in the fifth year. As a PhD candidate you will be enrolled in 
the TU Delft Graduate School. The TU Delft Graduate School provides an 
inspiring research environment with an excellent team of supervisors, academic 
staff and a mentor. The Doctoral Education Programme is aimed at developing 
your transferable, discipline-related and research skills.

      The TU Delft offers a customisable compensation package, discounts on 
health insurance and sport memberships, and a monthly work costs contribution. 
Flexible work schedules can be arranged. For international applicants we offer 
the Coming to Delft Service and Partner Career Advice to assist you with your 

TU Delft (Delft University of Technology)
      Delft University of Technology is built on strong foundations. As 
creators of the world-famous Dutch waterworks and pioneers in biotech, TU Delft 
is a top international university combining science, engineering and design. It 
delivers world class results in education, research and innovation to address 
challenges in the areas of energy, climate, mobility, health and digital 
society. For generations, our engineers have proven to be entrepreneurial 
problem-solvers, both in business and in a social context. At TU Delft we 
embrace diversity and aim to be as inclusive as possible (see our Code of 
Conduct). Together, we imagine, invent and create solutions using technology to 
have a positive impact on a global scale.

      Challenge. Change. Impact!

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