Abstract Deadline Extended: Abstract & Paper submission deadline: February 1, 2021 Notification of acceptance: March 12, 2021 Camera-ready submission deadline: April 5, 2021 Main conference: June 16-19, 2021 The AIME 2021 conference invites all interested researchers to submit original contributions regarding the development of theory, methods, systems, and applications of AI in biomedicine, including the application of AI approaches in biomedical informatics, healthcare organization and molecular medicine. Scope Contributions to theory and methods should present or analyze novel AI theories or methodologies for solving problems in the biomedical field. They may propose new theories and methods or extensions of existing ones. In both cases, the work should demonstrate its utility for solving biomedical problems and highlight its contribution to the underlying theoretical basis. In addition, it should discuss assumptions, limitations and novelty with respect to the state of the art. Contributions addressing systems and applications should describe the development, implementation or evaluation of innovative, AI-based tools and systems in the biomedical application domain. These papers should both link the work to underlying theory, and either analyse the potential benefits to solve biomedical problems or present empirical evidence of benefits in clinical practice. The scope of the conference includes the following areas: Big data analytics, Machine learning, knowledge discovery and data mining, Explainable AI Biomedical ontologies and terminologies, Biomedical knowledge acquisition and management, Knowledge-based reasoning in biomedicine, Natural language processing, Document classification and information retrieval, Bayesian networks, fuzzy logic and reasoning under uncertainty, Temporal and spatial representation and reasoning, Healthcare processes and workflow management, Computerized clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) and protocols, Biomedical imaging and signal processing, Visual analytics in biomedicine, Clinical decision support systems (CDSSs), Patient engagement support (personal healthcare record), AI solutions for ambient assisted living, telemedicine and e-health. Submission Papers should be submitted to the AIME 2021 Easy Chair Website (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=aime2021). Authors are asked first to submit an abstract (maximum 250 words), the full paper may be uploaded up to two weeks later (please see Important Dates below). The submission website will be open from October 1, 2020. The conference features regular papers in two categories (please note if you submit a paper as a student): Full research papers (up to 10 pages) Short papers (up to 5 pages) and Demo papers (1 page) describing either a short research project, a demonstration of implemented systems, or late-breaking results (work-in-progress). Papers should be formatted according to Springer's LNCS format (see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html). All accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings which will be published as part of Springer's Lecture Notes in AI series. Presentations will include long (25 minutes, 20 minutes presentation, 5 minutes discussion) and short presentations (5 minutes presentation, discussion during poster sessions). Posters (A1 size, 594mm x 841mm) will be displayed in two series, a poster walk (2 minutes local presentation) will be organized. Demos of applications are welcome, there will be opportunities for presenting software to individuals and small groups of participants. Mario Stefanelli and Marco Ramoni Best Paper Awards The best student paper will receive an award honoring Mario Stefanelli from the University of Pavia and his accomplishments. Mario Stefanelli was one of the founders of the AIME community, an inspiration to us all, and actively helped in advancing young researchers in our field. The best student paper will be valued by the Program Committee based on the quality of both, the paper and the oral presentation at the conference. It will be awarded with € 250 thanks to the financial support granted by Springer. The best paper in bioinformatics will receive an award honoring Marco Ramoni. Marco Ramoni was an outstandingly respected faculty member at Harvard, USA, and contributed to significant advances in the biomedical informatics field. The best paper in bioinformatics will be valued by the Program Committee based on the scientific quality of the paper. It will be also awarded with € 250 thanks to the financial support granted by Springer. Student Travel Grants Six travel grants of up to 450 EUR each will be offered for student authors of papers accepted for the main conference. More details on how to apply will be available in late January 2021. Dr Allan Tucker Reader Head of Intelligent Data Analysis Group: https://ida-research.net Brunel University London College of Engineering, Design and Physical Sciences Department of Computer Science Brunel University London, Uxbridge, UB8 3PH, United Kingdom http://www.brunel.ac.uk/cs<https://cas.brunel.ac.uk/owa/redir.aspx?C=Y06dC01IgUKflgjJcfz9RFHKH-L6qtEIPyokQYh2U625h1Qdvn02ov4p5evSlinCmMePcmtWF9E.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.brunel.ac.uk%2fcs> <https://cas.brunel.ac.uk/owa/redir.aspx?C=Y06dC01IgUKflgjJcfz9RFHKH-L6qtEIPyokQYh2U625h1Qdvn02ov4p5evSlinCmMePcmtWF9E.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.brunel.ac.uk%2fcs> <https://cas.brunel.ac.uk/owa/redir.aspx?C=Y06dC01IgUKflgjJcfz9RFHKH-L6qtEIPyokQYh2U625h1Qdvn02ov4p5evSlinCmMePcmtWF9E.&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.brunel.ac.uk%2fcs>
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