Call for Participation The 22nd International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL 2020) November 30 - December 1, 2020 Location: online conference at Japan time zone (GMT+9) Organized by Kyoto University, University of Tsukuba and ICADL Steering Committee In collaboration with Asia-Pacific Chapter of iSchools URL: International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries (ICADL), which started in Hong Kong in 1998 and over the years traveled many countries in the Asia-Pacific region, is known as a major digital library conference. Along with JCDL and TPDL, ICADL is held annually as one of the three top venues for connecting digital library, computer science and library and information science communities. This year ICADL will be held online from November 30 to December 1, 2020 and according to Japan time zone. ICADL conference also collaborates with Asia-Pacific Chapter of iSchools (AP-iSchools) in this year. This year the conference will be held online same as many other related events due to COVID-19 pandemics. Presentations will be performed online. There is no attendance fee, and only prior registration of the attendees and presenters information is required. The conference is free for anyone to attend. The registration deadline is on November 20. The conference program consists of two keynote speeches by Ian Ruthven from the University of Strathclyde, UK and Takanori Kawashima from the National Diet Library, Japan, one plenary panel, Doctoral Consortium (to be held on Dec 2) and the presentations of 39 research papers. More details are at the conference website: ACCEPTED PAPERS FULL PAPERS ReViz: A Tool for Automatically Generating Citation Graphs and Variants (Sven Groppe and Lina Hartung) Semantic Segmentation of MOOC Lecture Videos by Analyzing Concept Change in Domain Knowledge Graph (Ananda Das and Partha Pratim Das) Collective Sensemaking and Location-related Factors in the Context of a Brand-related Online Rumor (Alton Chua, Anjan Pal and Dion Goh) A Predictive Model for CitizensÕ Utilization of Open Government Data Portals (Di Wang, Deborah Richards, Ayse Bilgin and Chuanfu Chen) SchenQL: Evaluation of a Query Language for Bibliographic Metadata (Christin Katharina Kreutz, Michael Wolz, Benjamin Weyers and Ralf Schenkel) A Large-Scale Analysis of Cross-Lingual Citations in English Papers (Tarek Saier and Michael FŠrber) Creating a Scholarly Knowledge Graph from Survey Article Tables (Allard Oelen, Markus Stocker and Sšren Auer) Entity Linking for Historical Documents: Challenges and Solutions (Elvys Linhares Pontes, Luis Adri‡n Cabrera-Diego, Jose Moreno,
Emanuela Boros, Ahmed Hamdi, Nicolas Sidere, Micka‘l Coustaty and Antoine Doucet) Improving Scholarly Knowledge Representation: Evaluating BERT-based Models for Scientific Relation Classification (Ming Jiang, Jennifer DÕsouza, Sšren Auer and J. Stephen Downie) A Framework for Classifying Temporal Relations with Question Encoder (Yohei Seki, Kangkang Zhao, Masaki Oguni and Kazunari Sugiyama) SHORT PAPERS Domain-focused Linked Data Crawling Driven by a Semantically Defined Frontier: a Cultural Heritage Case Study in Europeana (Nuno Freire and M‡rio J. Silva) The Intellectual Property Risks of Integrating Public Digital Cultural Resources in China (Yi Chen and Si Li) Extracting User Interests from Operation Logs on Museum Devices for Post-Learning (Yuanyuan Wang, Yukiko Kawai and Kazutoshi Sumiya) How do Retractions Influence the Citations of Retracted Articles? (Siluo Yang and Fan Qi) Identifying the Types of Digital Footprint Data used to Predict Psychographic & Human Behaviour (Aliff Nawi, Zalmizy Hussin, Nurfatin Syahirah Norsaidi, Chy Ren Chua and Muhammad Syafiq Mohd Pozi) A Motivational Design Approach to Integrate MOOCs in Traditional Classrooms (Long Ma and Chei Sian Lee) Identication of Research Data References Based on Citation Contexts (Tomoki Ikoma and Shigeki Matsubara) Predicting Response Quantity from Linguistic Characteristics of Questions on Academic Social Q&A Sites (Lei Li, Anrunze Li, Xue Song, Xinran Li, Kun Huang and Edwin Mouda Ye) Towards Customizable Chart Visualizations of Tabular Data Using Knowledge Graphs (Vitalis Wiens, Markus Stocker and Sšren Auer) Unchiku Generation Using a Narrative Explanation Mechanism (Jumpei Ono and Takashi Ogata) When to Use OCR Post-correction for Named Entity Recognition? (Vinh-Nam Huynh, Ahmed Hamdi and Antoine Doucet) Using Deep Learning to Recognize Handwritten Thai Noi Characters in Ancient Palm Leaf Manuscripts (Wichai Puarungroj, Narong Boonsirisumpun, Pongsakon Kulna, Thanapong Soontarawirat and Nattiya Puarungroj) Semi-Supervised Named-Entity Recognition for Product Attribute Extraction in Book Domain (Hadi Syah Putra, Faisal Satrio Priatmadji and Rahmad Mahendra) An Empirical Study of Importance of Different Sections in Research Articles Towards Ascertaining their Appropriateness to a Journal (Tirthankar Ghosal, Rajeev Verma, Asif Ekbal, Sriparna Saha and Pushpak Bhattacharyya) Profiling Bot Accounts Mentioning COVID-19 Publications on Twitter (Yingxin Estella Ye and Jin-Cheon Na) PRACTITIONERS PAPERS A Novel Researcher Search System Based on Research Content Similarity and Geographic Information (Tetsuya Takahashi, Koya Tango, Yuto Chikazawa and Marie Katsurai) Metadata Interoperability for Institutional Repositories: a Case Study in Malang City Academic Libraries (Gani Nur Pramudyo and Muhammad Rosyihan Hendrawan) Wikipedia-based Entity Linking for the Digital Library of Polish and Poland-Related News Pamphlets (Maciej Ogrodniczuk and Wlodzimierz Gruszczynski) Analysis of Crowdsourced Multilingual Keywords in the Futaba Digital Archive: Lessons Learned for Better Metadata Collection (Mari Kawakami, Tetsuo Sakaguchi, Tetsuya Shirai, Masaki Matsubara, Takamitsu Yoshino and Atsuyuki Morishima) WORK-IN-PROGRESS PAPERS Classification in the LdoD Archive: A Crowdsourcing and Gamification Approach (Gonalo Montalv‹o Marques, Ant—nio Rito Silva and Manuel Portela) Construction of Dunhuang Cultural Heritage Knowledge Bas: Take Cave 220 As An Example (Xiaofei Sun, Ting Zhang, Lei Chen, Xiaoyang Wang and Jiakeng Tang) Analyzing the Stage Performance Structure of a Kabuki-dance, Kyoganoko Musume Dojoji Using an Animation System (Miku Kawai, Jumpei Ono and Takashi Ogata) On the Correlation between Research Complexity and Academic Competitiveness (Jing Ren, Ivan Lee, Lei Wang, Xiangtai Chen and Feng Xia) Uncovering Topics Related to COVID-19 Pandemic on Twitter (Han Zheng, Dion Hoe-Lian Goh, Edmund Wei Jian Lee, Chei Sian Lee and Yin Leng Theng) Aging Well with Health Information: Examining Health Literacy and Information Seeking Behavior Using a National Survey Dataset (Fang-Lin Kuo and Tien-I Tsai) Representing Semantified Biological Assays in the Open Research Knowledge Graph (Marco Anteghini, Jennifer D'Souza, Vitor Martins dos Santos and Sšren Auer) Artwork Information Embedding Framework for Multi-source Ukiyo-e Record Retrieval (Kangying Li, Biligsaikhan Batjargal, Akira Maeda and Ryo Akama) A Preliminary Attempt to Evaluate Machine Translations of Ukiyo-e Metadata Records (Yuting Song, Biligsaikhan Batjargal and Akira Maeda) MetaProfiles - a Mechanism to Express Metadata Schema, Privacy, Rights and Provenance for Data Interoperability (Nishad Thalhath, Mitsuharu Nagamori and Tetsuo Sakaguchi) CONFERENCE COMMITTEE Conference co-chairs: * Adam Jatowt (Kyoto University, Japan) * Atsuyuki Morishima (University of Tsukuba, Japan) Program Committee co-chairs: * Emi Ishita (Kyushu University, Japan) * Natalie Pang (NUS, Singapore) * Lihong Zhou (Wuhan University, China) Panel chair: * Shigeo Sugimoto (University of Tsukuba, Japan) Publicity co-chairs: * Ricardo Campos (INESC TEC; Ci2 - Smart Cities Research Center, Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, Portugal) * Songphan Choemprayong (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand) * Chei Sian Lee (NTU, Singapore) * Jiang Li (Nanjing University, China) * Akira Maeda (Ritsumeikan University, Japan) * Hao-Ren Ke (NTNU, Taiwan) * Min Song (Yonsei University, Korea) * Sueyeon Syn (Catholic University of America, USA) Web & Media co-chairs: * Thalhath Rehumath Nishad (University of Tsukuba) * Shun-Hong Sie (NTNU, Taiwan) * Di Wang (Wuhan University, China) * Nadeesha Wijerathna (University of Tsukuba) * Karuna Yampray (Dhurakij Bundit University, Thailand) * Satoshi Fukuda (Kyushu University)
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