Dear Colleagues,

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ACM SenSys 2020: Call for Research Posters Related to COVID-19 Pandemic Response
Submission deadline: 23:59 (AoE), September 25, 2020
Conference: November 16-19, 2020 (entirely online)

We sincerely hope that you and your family members are staying safe during the 
COVID-19 pandemic. As an embedded and 
mobile sensing community, many research groups are putting together efforts to 
assist healthcare workers in better treating 
this world-wide pandemic, as well as to support general public in better 
protecting themselves from potential risks of exposure. 
ACM SenSys 2019 will host a special session for sharing such efforts and 
solicits submissions of poster-style abstracts 
reflecting on-going research progress. We welcome submissions that discuss 
topics related to (but are not limited to) the following

* Contact tracing technologies for COVID-19
* Data collection and analytics for COVID-19
* System design and deployment experiences
* IT-medicine collaborative efforts in tackling infectious diseases
* Clinical support systems for pandemic response
* System design for remote education
* Other system design and implementation experiences to address challenges in 
the with-COVID-19/post-COVID-19 era

Submitted abstracts will be evaluated based on technical merit and innovation 
as well as their potential to stimulate interesting 
discussions and exchange of ideas. 

Authors of accepted abstracts will be given a one-minute slot in a "madness 
session" during the SenSys main conference 
to present their work in front of the conference audience, in addition to the 
poster presentation with other SenSys2020 poster 
track accepted authors. (Detail format of the presentation mentioned above is 
yet to be decided.)

All abstracts shall be formatted according to the main conference paper layout. 
Accepted abstracts will appear in the 
conference proceedings and the ACM Digital Library.

All papers will be considered for the Best Research Award (COVID-19 Pandemic 
Response Track). The program committee 
will select candidates for the award among accepted papers and select one or 
more award papers.

[Submission Instructions]
Abstracts must be submitted as a single PDF containing no more than 2 pages. 
The submission should be self-contained 
ready for publication, including the title, authors, institutional affiliations 
and contact information, abstract, main body, and 
references. Submissions must use a 10pt font (or larger) and be correctly 
formatted for printing on Letter-sized (8.5" by 11") 
paper. Paper text blocks must follow ACM guidelines: double column, with each 
column 9.25" by 3.33", 0.33" space 
between columns and single-spaced. Submissions can use this template (*) that 
is known to comply with the formatting 
requirements. Please DO NOT anonymize your submission. Upon acceptance, 
instructions for the final camera-ready 
abstract will be provided.

You may include links to additional online material such as videos. Links to 
videos showing the demonstration are especially
 encouraged. Videos of accepted abstracts will be linked from the SenSys web 
pages and permanently included in the 
ACM Digital Library.

At least one author of an accepted paper needs to register for the conference 
and present the paper at the conference. 
(Discount author rate for the authors on this track is now under consideration. 

[Submission Site]

[Important Dates]
23:59 (AoE), September 25, 2020 – Submission Deadline
23:59 (AoE), October 9, 2020 – Notification of Acceptance
23:59 (AoE), October 20, 2020 – Camera-ready Submission Deadline (tentative)
November 16-19, 2020 – ACM SenSys2020

[Organizing Committee]
Tadashi Okoshi (Keio University)
JeongGil Ko (Yonsei University)

SenSys2020 goes to entirely online: We've been monitoring the progress of 
COVID-19 pandemic. It is a very dynamic target and the risk of mass physical 
gathering remains high. Putting the wellbeing of the community above all, we, 
the entire OC and SC, have decided to take SenSys2020 entirely virtual. With 
the change, we'll also be able to offer a discount registration fee while you 
worry less about travel restrictions/costs. Therefore, please do not hesitate 
to contribute your latest research result to the conference! We believe the 
decision is the best, albeit difficult, for us all, and the local OC members 
hope sincerely that there will be other opportunities to welcome you all to 

Kind regards, 

Yuuki Nishiyama, Ph.D.
Research Associate
Institute of Industrial Science
The University of Tokyo

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