<Apologies for multiple postings>
SCIS&ISIS 2020  Call for Papers
Joint 11th Int. Conf. on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems &
21st Int. Symp. on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS 2020)

December 5-8, Online Event
Conference Webpage: http://scis.j-soft.org/2020/

[Important Dates]
Paper Submission: June 22, 2020 -> July 13, 2020 (Extended)
Notification of Acceptance: August 21, 2020
Camera-ready Submission: September 4, 2020
Conference: December 5-8, 2020

Dear colleagues,

On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to announce
Joint 11th International Conference on Soft Computing and
Intelligent Systems and 21st International Symposium on Advanced
Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS 2020) to be held on December 5-8, 2020.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, SCIS&ISIS 2020 will be held as an
ONLINE event, without physical attendance.

SICS&ISIS 2020 is the flagship international conference on Soft
Computing in Asia, that attracts several hundred participants all
over the world. We strive to foster an open and lively scientific
forum by bringing together researchers, engineers, and practitioners
with diversified backgrounds to discuss disseminate the latest
state-of-the-art achievements, thought provoking challenges and
potential future direction in many different aspects.

[Plenary Speakers]
- Dr. Jose Maria Alonso (CiTIUS, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain)
  Interactive Natural Language Technology for Human-Centric Explainable 
Artificial Intelligence

- Prof. Naoya Ohta (Director of the Center for Research on Adoption of NextGen 
Transportation Systems, Gunma University, Japan)
  Research, Development, and Social experiments of New Transportation Methods 
in Gunma University

[Paper Submission]
We would like to cordially invite you to submit your papers to
SCIS&ISIS 2020. There are two categories: full paper submissions
(4-6 pages; up to 8 pages but subjected to an additional fee) and
short paper submissions (2-4 pages) in IEEE style. All accepted
papers will be published in the conference proceedings and archived
in IEEE Xplore subject to all quality requirements of IEEE.

  Paper Submission Page: http://scis.j-soft.org/2020/submission.html

[Approved Organized Sessions]
OS-01: Intelligent Media and New-Generation Software
OS-02: Explainable Machine Learning for Modeling and Classifier Design
OS-03: Robot Systems Cooperate with Human
OS-04: Rough Sets, Granular Computing and Their Applications
OS-05: Advanced Human Sensing and Intelligent Support Systems
OS-06: Interactive Systems
OS-07: Soft Computing in Urban and Transport Planning
OS-08: Human Symbiotic Systems
OS-09: Combinations of EC, Humans, and ML
OS-10: Fusion technologies of theory and science for data utilization
OS-11: Affective/Kansei Information Processing and its Interactive Approach
OS-12: Data science for human-oriented systems design
OS-13: Recent Trends of Clustering Methodologies
OS-14: Modern Applications of Clifford Algebra

SCIS&ISIS 2020 is sponsored by Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and
intelligent informatics (SOFT).

In addition, Technical Co-Sponsors are as follows:
- The Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems (KIIS)
- The International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA)
- IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society (IEEE-SMCS)
- IEEE SMCS Japan Chapter

For general inquiries regarding the conference, please contact
the general affairs.

SCIS&ISIS2020 General Affairs: scisisis2020+i...@gmail.com

Best regards,
General Chairs
Kanta Tachibana (Kogakuin University, Japan)
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