Dear Robotics groups, very recently the TU Berlin, Universities of Hildesheim and Greifswald won a BMBF research grant (KIWI) for closing the loop between Machine Learning and Robotics in Biotechnology to realise autonomous controlled experimentation between robotics labs.
KIWI is a highly interdisciplinary project uniting over 20 international scientist from different Machine Learning, Robotics, Labautomation and Biotechnology Institutes, located in Berlin, Hildesheim and Greifswald. The Greifswald BioTech Robotic Plattform LARA ( <>) is offering an open position for Research Assistant / PhD student. If you know a possible candidate who is passionate about applying machine-learning strategies to Biotechnology robotics in a highly interdisciplinary project, likes to develop data communication standards and knowledge database architectures, please do not hesitate to forward this job announcement - and please do not worry about the deadline (it is flexible): This project will offer a unique opportunity to dive into the rapidly developing field of MachineLearning,Robotics and BioTechnology. With kind regards, mark doerr
-- -- Dr. mark doerr Working group: Prof. Uwe T. Bornscheuer Institute of Biochemistry Dept. of Biotechnology & Enzyme Catalysis University of Greifswald Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 4 D-17487 Greifswald germany Phone: +49 (0)3834-420-4411 +49 (0)3834-420-4391 (Secr.) Fax: +49 (0)3834-420-794367 Room: B021 and B047 LARA-Web (BioTech Robotic platform) :
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