Event-Driven Perception for Robotics Research Line at Istituto Italiano di 
Tecnologia (www.edpr.iit.it<http://www.edpr.iit.it/>) is opening a Post doc 
position in Efficient perception for safety and ergonomics for human-robot 
interaction in manufacturing workspaces.
The position is focusing on neuromorphic sensing of human presence and human 
movement with the goal of improving safety and ergonomics for human-robot 
interaction in manufacturing workspaces.
The research activities will be carried out under the supervision of Dr. Chiara 
Bartolozzi and Dr. Arren Glover. The selected candidate will work with a 
multidisciplinary consortium of participant to the awarded project APRIL (H2020 
DT-FOF-12, n. G.A. 870142). APRIL project aims at implementing and deploying 
market oriented, low cost and multipurpose robots that support semiautomatic 
tasks in manufacturing production lines and handle flexible or deformable 
materials in industries of any size or domain. The candidate will work with 
different robotic platforms for human-robot interaction in manufacturing 
context selected together with the consortium and with different sensorial 
setups specifically designed to assess the gaze pattern, reaction time, working 
movements, fatigue level in workers. Specifically, the candidate will work on 
the decoding of human movement and intention to improve safety and interaction 
between robots and operators, using event-driven vision sensing, to exploit 
efficiency, low latency and high temporal resolution. Event-driven vision will 
be used to extract relevant characteristics of velocity, and acceleration in 3D 
to infer action features (e.g. trajectory prediction, time-of-arrival) and 
psychophysics state of the operator (e.g.: vitality and fatigue). Such 
kinematic and psychophysics parameters will be used to estimate in real-time 
the intention and goal of the action.

Salary and benefits are competitive for international standards.
Please submit your application, including a detailed curriculum vitae and name 
and contacts of 2 referees, using the online form at 
(deadline May 18th, 2020),.

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