*** Call For Papers PharML 2020: Machine Learning for Pharma and Healthcare

We invite contributions from both industry and academia to share their
research and experience in using artificial intelligence and machine
learning methods in pharmaceutical research and development. PharML will be
held at the European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and
Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML-PKDD) to take place in
Ghent, Belgium, on 14th - 18th of September 2020.

Submission Guidelines

We invite authors to submit extended abstracts including preliminary
results as well as published work. Authors should submit a paper of up to 4
pages (excluding references). Longer papers will be rejected immediately.
Priority will be given to unpublished work. Authors should commit to
present their work at the workshop in case it is accepted for an oral or
poster presentation. All accepted abstracts will be posted on the
workshop's website.

- All manuscripts will be peer-reviewed, double-blinded

- Abstracts should be in PDF format, following the Springer Lecture Notes
in Computer Science style


- Submissions should be done via the workshop EasyChair page


Topics of Interest

The following list, although not exhaustive, covers some of the main topics
that will be discussed in the workshop.

- Learning on Graphs

   - Representing patients and molecules as graphs

   - Transfer learning and generative models

   - Modelling dynamic graphs

   - Node and link prediction on molecular graphs

   - Biological pathway mining for cancer biomarker discovery

   - Machine learning with brain graphs

   - Causal structure learning from real world data

- Deep learning in healthcare and pharmaceutical research

   - Medical Imaging

   - Natural Language Processing

   - Reinforcement learning in computer-assisted procedures

   - Audio Processing

   - Time series analysis

- Bayesian methods

   - Modelling uncertainty

   - Bayesian methods for classification and imputation

   - Bayesian networks

- General machine learning methods for healthcare and pharma

   - Machine learning for personalized healthcare

   - Multimodal machine learning (e.g. combining genomics, pathology

     clinical data to predict survival)

   - Remote sensing for healthcare applications

   - Causal inference with observational data

   - Subgroup discovery and targeted learning

   - Longitudinal and trajectory data analysis

   - Medical decision support

Workshop Programme

The workshop will feature:

- Invited keynote speakers from academia (Stephan Günnemann, Technische
Universität München) and industry (Fabien Gaire, Roche).

- Oral presentations

- A poster session

The full programme will be posted on the workshop's website in due course.

Important dates

Submission Deadline: June 11, 2020

Notification:  July 09, 2020

Camera ready: TBA

Workshop date: TBA (Monday 14th or Friday 18th of September)


Organizing Committee

- Lee Cooper (Northwestern University, USA)

- Naghmeh Ghazaleh (Roche, Switzerland)

- Jonas Richiardi (Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland)

- Damian Roqueiro (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

- Diego Saldana (Roche, Switzerland)

- Konstantinos Sechidis (Roche, Switzerland)

Program Committee

- Laura Azzimonti (IDSIA, Switzerland)

- Christian Bock (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

- Christoph Freyre (Novartis, Switzerland)

- Geoffrey Fucile (University of Basel, Switzerland)

- Marius Garmhausen (Roche, Switzerland)

- Elisabetta Ghisu (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

- Max Horn (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

- Elina Koletou (Roche, Switzerland)

- Valeria De Luca (Novartis, Switzerland)

- Matteo Manica (IBM, Switzerland)

- Joseph Mellor (University of Edinburgh, UK)

- Michael Mitchley (Roche, Switzerland)

- Michael Moor (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

- Nikolaos Nikolaou (UCL, UK)

- Marilena Oita, (Simply Vision, Switzerland)

- Konstantinos Papangelou (University of Manchester, UK)

- Laetitia Papaxanthos (Google Brain, France)

- Jon Parkinson (University of Manchester, UK)

- Maria Giulia Preti (EPFL, Switzerland)

- Bastian Rieck (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)

- Elizaveta Semenova (AstraZeneca, UK)

- Grigorios Tsoumakas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)


Colocated with ECML-PKDD, Ghent, Belgium, on September 14-18, 2020.


Visit the official website of the workshop for additional details.


If you have questions, please send us an e-mail to: pharml2...@easychair.org
uai mailing list

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