The 16th European Dependable Computing Conference - EDCC 2020 September 7-10, 2020, Munich, Germany Call for Papers
The European Dependable Computing Conference is a leading venue for presenting and discussing the latest research, industrial practice and innovations in dependable and secure computing. The European Dependable Computing Conference is a unique forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss their latest research results on theory, techniques, systems, and tools for the design, validation, operation and evaluation of dependable and secure computing systems. The conference will cover a broad range of topics related to dependability and security, which includes, but is not limited to: * Hardware and software architectures of dependable systems; * Model-driven and formal engineering approaches; * Fault-tolerant networks & ultra-reliable low-latency communication; * Dependability modelling and tools; * Verification and validation methods; * Development of safety and security-critical systems; * Dependability and security of o critical infrastructures, e.g. smart energy grids, intelligent transportation systems, smart cities; o cyber-physical systems and (industrial) IoT; o cloud, fog, and edge computing systems; o data analytics applications & systems based on machine learning and artificial intelligence; o databases and distributed ledgers (incl. block chains); o artificial intelligence-based systems and components * Data protection and data privacy The conference is inviting submissions to its different tracks in the following categories: -Regular papers (up to 8 pages) solicited on theory, techniques, systems, and tools for the design, validation, operation and evaluation of dependable and secure computing systems, covering any fault model, from traditional hardware and software faults to accidental and malicious human interactions. -Practical experience reports (up to 6 pages) dedicated to dependability in practice: industrial applications, experience in introducing dependability in industry, use of new or mature dependability approaches to new challenging problems or domains, etc. -Short papers (3-4 pages) describing preliminary research work (position papers) or a prototype/tool description, outlining the design or implementation of a software tool, or the prototyping of an operational system. The papers submitted to the conference should present an original contribution and formatted according to IEEE style: All submissions must be made electronically through the EasyChair submission web page, and should clearly indicate in which category the paper is being submitted. Detailed indications about the paper format are provided in the paper submission page: Best Paper Award Submissions will be judged on originality, significance, correctness and impact. Three distinguished papers will be selected among accepted papers and presented in a dedicated session of the conference program. Full research papers and practical experience reports are eligible for the distinction. Important Dates: Abstract Submission: March 17, 2020 Full Paper Submission: March 24, 2020 Author Notification: May 25, 2020 Camera-ready Paper: June 22, 2020 General chairs: Michael Paulitsch, Intel Mario Trapp, Fraunhofer Program Committee chair: Elena Troubitsyna, KTH Sweden Publicity chair: Alexander Romanovsky, Newcastle University Publication chair: Miguel Pardal, Universidade de Lisboa Students Forum chair: Marcello Cinque, Frederico II University of Naples For more information, visit: _______________________________________________ uai mailing list uai@ENGR.ORST.EDU