ICRA 2020 Workshop on Sensing, Estimating and Understanding
the Dynamic World - Call For Papers

Date: 31 May, 2020.

Location: Paris, France.

Website: https://robotics.sydney.edu.au/?page_id=322

Submission Deadline: 29 March, 2020

Author Notification:    26 April, 2020

Camera-ready paper:  3 May, 2020

LaTeX template:        Download Zip

Submission link:         https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/DynamicSLAM2020


Dynamic scenes extend and challenge a number of mature research areas in
Robotics and Computer Vision, including simultaneous localization and
mapping (SLAM), structure from motion (SFM), visual odometry (VO), multiple
object detection and tracking, etc. Most of the existing solutions to these
problems rely heavily on assumptions about the static nature of the
environment. This drastically reduces the amount of information that can be
obtained in complex environments cluttered with moving objects and may
cause the techniques to fail. It also removes important relationships
between moving sensors and objects, such as obstacle avoidance in robotics
and intelligent transportation.

This workshop seeks to motivate and investigate approaches designed for
dynamic environments. It will do so by drawing on expertise in both the
robotics and computer vision communities to highlight the challenges of
dynamic scenes, the existing capabilities and limitations of sensor
modalities and computational techniques, and discussing potential ways
forward towards developing algorithms to map, estimate, and understand the
dynamic world.



   Wolfram Burgard (University of Freiburg, Toyota Research Institute)

   Lourdes Agapito (University College London)

   Luca Carlone (MIT)

   Cesar Cadena (ETH Zurich)

   Daniel Cremers (Technische Universität München)

   Ruigang Yang (Baidu Research)

   Matia Pizzoli (Oculus)

   Davide Migliore (Prophesee)

   Jonathan Gammell

Call for papers and demos:

We encourage researchers as well as companies to contribute to the workshop.

Contributions are solicited in, but not limited to, the following topics:


   Sensing the dynamic scene

   Dynamic scene representation

   Scene flow

   Multi-body SLAM

   Multi-motion visual odometry

   Multiple object tracking (MOT)

   Multi-body structure from motion

   Multi-target tracking

   Background / foreground segmentation

   Motion detection

   Motion segmentation

   Motion prediction and planning primitives

   Datasets in dynamic environments

We invite the attendees of this workshop to submit short papers explaining
their current work or developed systems in the above-mentioned topics.

*Contributions in the form of live demonstrations are also welcome*.

The recommended length of the contribution is 2 pages (maximum 6 pages),
and it must follow the provided RAS LaTeX template: (LINK

Authors are encouraged to submit a supporting video clip.

Submissions will be selected based on their originality, relevance to the
workshop topics, contributions, technical clarity, and presentation.

Accepted papers will be presented in an interactive poster session during
the workshop and will be posted on the workshop website.

Please submit your manuscripts at this link

For any queries regarding the workshop, please send an email to

A detailed overview of the workshop program can be found here

Program Committee


   Teresa Vidal (University of Technology Sydney)

   Donald Dansereau (The University of Sydney)

   Ravi Garg (University of Adelaide)

   Laurent Kneip (Shanghai Tech)

   Mina Henein (Australian National University)

   Kevin Judd (University of Oxford)

Thank you.

Best regards,


Viorela Ila (The University of Sydney)

Jonathan Gammell (University of Oxford)

Sundara Tejaswi Digumarti (The University of Sydney)

Tat Jun Chin (University of Adelaide)

Guillermo Gallego (Technische Universität Berlin)
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