NETYS 2020
June 3-5, 2020, Marrakech, MOROCCO

Aim and Scope:

NETYS aims to bring together researchers and engineers from both the
theory and practice of distributed and networked systems. The scope of the
conference covers all aspects related to the design and the development
of these systems, including, but not restricted to, concurrent and
distributed algorithms, parallel/concurrent/distributed programming, multi-core
architectures, distributed databases, cloud systems, networks, security,
formal verification, etc.

NETYS will provide a forum to report on best practices and novel
algorithms, results and techniques on networked systems. Original
research contributions and experience papers on the principles, design,
implementation, modeling, analysis, verification, and application of
networked systems are solicited.

NETYS is coupled with the METIS Spring School which aims at introducing
young researchers to the domain of distributed and networked systems
through tutorials on basics, as well as lectures on new research topics
and current trends in this domain.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

- Cloud systems and data centers
- Concurrent and distributed algorithms
- Cyber-physical systems
- Distributed databases, embedded and operating systems
- Distributed ledgers and blockchain technologies
- Event-based systems
- Formal verification
- Middleware environments
- Mobile, wireless, ad-hoc and sensor networks
- Multi-core architectures and multithreaded applications
- Overlay and peer-to-peer infrastructures
- Security and privacy
- Self-stabilizing, self-organizing, and autonomic systems
- Social networks
- Static and dynamic analysis and testing
- Web-based and service-oriented architectures

Paper submission:

Submissions must be original papers that contain sufficient detail to
assess the merits and relevance of the contribution. NETYS welcomes
papers on theory, case studies and comparisons with existing experimental
research, tools, as well as combinations of new theory with experimental

NETYS is soliciting two forms of submission: full and short papers. Full
papers are allowed a maximum of 15 pages in Springer's LNCS format,
excluding bibliographic references, and will be allowed at least 20 minutes for
presentation at the conference, whereas short papers are allowed a maximum of 5 
pages (in the same format) and will be allowed at least 5 minutes for
presentation at the conference. A full paper submission might be accepted as 
such, as
a short paper or a poster. A short paper may be accepted as such or as a poster.

Posters will be presented at the conference to reflect work in progress
and will not lead to a publication in the proceedings. Authors are given the
option to accept or not the type in which their paper is selected for

All submissions must be written in English, follow the LNCS template,
and adhere to the page limits. Papers exceeding these limits may be rejected 
review. A clearly marked appendix can be included for supplementary materials 
but the
appendix will be read at the discretion of the reviewers; therefore, the main 
body of the
paper should contain sufficient details to assess its contributions.

Paper submission will be handled by EasyChair, so please make sure that
you have an active account. The papers must be submitted electronically at:

Important dates

- Abstract submission/paper registration deadline: Extended to March 3 @23:50 
- Paper submission deadline: Extended to March 10 @23:59 HST
- Acceptance notification: April 11, 2020
- Camera ready copy due: May 2nd, 2020
- Conference: June 3-5, 2020


Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series will publish the
proceedings of the conference 
  [2]). It is required that each accepted paper be presented at the conference 
by one of its authors.

The Springer journal Computing may consider publishing extended versions
of selected papers 
  [3] )

Awards will be given to the best paper and the best student paper. A paper
is eligible for the best student paper award if at least one of its authors
is a full-time student at the time of submission. This must be indicated
in the submission.

Confirmed Invited Speakers:

Cyriac Aiswarya                    Chennai Mathematical Institute, India
Antonio Fernandez Anta     IMDEA Networks Institute, Spain
Swarat Chaudhuri                University of Texas at Austin, USA
Constantin Enea                   University Paris Diderot, France
Maria Potop-Butucaru        Sorbonne University, France
Nitin Vaidya                          Georgetown University, USA


General Chair
Mohammed Erradi            ENSIAS, Rabat, Morocco

General vice-chairs:
Ahmed Bouajjani                 University of Paris, France
Rachid Guerraoui                EPFL, Switzerland

Program Co-chairs:
Chryssis Georgiou                University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Rupak Majumdar                 MPI-SWS, Germany

Program Committee:
Faouzi Atig                            Uppsala University, Sweden
Slimane Bah                          EMI, Mohammed V University in Rabat, 
Yahya Benkaouz                    FS, Mohammed V University in Rabat, Morocco
Ismail Berrada                       MBAU, Fez, Morocco
Annnette Bieniusa                 TU Kaiserslautern, Germany
Ahmed Bouajjani                   University of Paris, France
Costas Busch                          LSU, USA
Ioannis Chatzigiannakis         Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Yu-Fang Chen                        Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Evgenia Christoforou             RISE, Cyprus
Loris D'Antoni                        University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Carole Delporte                     University of Paris, France
Ankush Desai                         Amazon, USA
Amr El Abbadi                        UCSB, USA
Pierre Ganty                           IMDEA Software Institute, Spain
Seth Gilbert                            NUS, Singapore
Vincent Gramoli                     University of Sydney, Australia
Radu Grosu                             Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Aarti Gupta                             Princeton University, USA
Mohamed Jmaiel                    University of Sfax, Tunisia
Mohammed-Amine Koulali       ENSAO, Oujda, Morocco
Jan Kretinsky                          Technical University of Munich, Germany
Shankara Krishna                    IIT Mumbai, India
Fabian Kuhn                            University of Freiburg, Germany
Miguel Matos                          INESC-ID & IST, University of Lisboa, 
Miguel Mosteiro                      Pace University, USA
Calvin Newport                       Georgetown University, USA
Nicolas Nicolaou                     Algolysis Ltd, Cyprus
Guevara Noubir                       Northeastern Univ., USA
Andreas Podelski                     Univ. Freiburg, Germany
Maria Potop-Butucaru             Sorbonne University, France
Azalea Raad                             Imperial College London, UK
Michel Raynal                          IRISA, University of Rennes, France
Indranil Saha                            IIT Kanpur, India
Elad M. Schiller                        Chalmers University of Technology, 
Thomas Wies                           NYU, USA

Organizing Committee:
Khadija Bakkouch               IRFC, Rabat
Yahya Benkaouz                  FS, Mohammed V Univ., Rabat
Abdellah Boulouz                FS, Ibn Zohr Univ., Agadir
Rachid El Guerdaoui            University Mohammed VI Polytechnic,
Mustaf Hedabou                   ENSA Safi, Cadi Ayyad University,
Zahi Jarir                               FS, Cadi Ayyad Univ.,
Abdellatif Kobbane                ENSIAS, Mohammed V Univ., Rabat
Mohammed Ouzzif                EST, Hassan II Univ., Casablanca

Students Committee:
Hind Boukhairate                University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Benguerir
Mohammed Lechiakh         University Mohammed VI Polytechnic, Benguerir
Rachid Zennou                    ENSIAS, UM5 Rabat

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