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Elsevier - Online Social Networks and Media Journal

Special Issue on Disinformation, Hoaxes and Propaganda within Online Social Networks and Media

Submission Deadline: March 20, 2020

Manuscripts can be submitted continuously until the deadline. Once a paper is submitted, the review process will start immediately. Accepted papers will be published continuously in the journal (in the first issue available as soon as the paper is accepted). All accepted papers will be listed together in an online virtual special issue published in the journal website.

Online Social Networks and Media natively convey the information quickly and diffusely. They are 'optimised' for posting and sharing catchy and sensationalist news. Problematic messages may span biased information aiming to influence communities and agendas to deliberate lies meant to mislead users. Whatever the strategy adopted for spreading false news (like support of automatic accounts and presence of trolls to inflame crowds), this would not be effective if there were no audience willing to believe them. The quest for belonging to a community and reassuring answers, the adherence to one's viewpoint: these are key factors for people to contribute to the success of disinformation diffusion. That's why the battle against disinformation must be fought at both technological and sociological level.

This special issue seeks high-quality scientific articles (both theoretical and experimental) on using Online Social Networks and Media (OSNEM) data for the analysis of hoaxes, propaganda, and disinformation fabrication and spread on social media, automatic techniques to be embedded in OSNEM platforms to block/prevent their diffusion, and countermeasures to dissuade people to believe/diffuse them.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the design and implementation of methodologies and techniques to detect disinformation and/or raise the users' awareness to the threats represented by disinformation, including: Modelling and analysis techniques to study/predict the dynamics of the spread of disinformation; Text mining, graph mining, network and behavioural analyses to detect disinformation; Reputation systems to support the detection - or mitigate the effects - of disinformation;
Disinformation strategies;
Understanding and guiding the societal reaction in the presence of disinformation; Supervised/unsupervised approaches to let accounts’ automation degree emerge from the crowd;
Computational fact-checking;
Detection of information polarization in online communities;
Definition and evaluation of novel metrics to verify news veracity;
Domain-free approaches to fight disinformation (i.e., context independent w.r.t. accounts, news, reviews, posts, tweets, etc..); Interplay between OSNEM social network structures and diffusion/prevention of disinformation; Behavioural models behind disinformation diffusion/prevention obtained from large-scale OSNEM data. Data-driven approaches, supported by publicly available datasets, are more than welcome.

Guest Editors
Yelena Mejova, ISI Foundation, Turin, Italy
Marinella Petrocchi, IIT-CNR, Italy
Carolina Scarton, University of Sheffield, UK

*** Instructions for submission ***
Manuscripts must not have been previously published nor currently under review by other journals or conferences. Papers previously published in conference proceedings are eligible for submission if the submitted manuscript is a substantial revision and extension of the conference version. In this case, authors should indicate the previous publication(s) in the cover letter and are also required to submit their published conference article(s) and a summary document explaining the enhancements made in the journal version.
The submission website for this journal is located at

Please select "VSI:Disinformation" when you reach the "Article Type" step in the submission process. To ensure that all manuscripts are correctly identified, for consideration by the special issue, the authors should indicate in the cover letter that the manuscript has been submitted for the special issue on Disinformation, Hoaxes and Propaganda within Online Social Networks and Media.

For further information, please contact the guest editors at

Marinella Petrocchi
Institute of Informatics and Telematics (IIT)
National Research Council (CNR)
Pisa (Italy)

Mobile: +39 348 8260773
Skype: m_arinell_a
Web: http://www.iit.cnr.it/staff/marinella.petrocchi

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