IEEE/RSJ International Workshop at ICRA 2020
Brain-PIL 2020: New advances in brain-inspired perception, interaction and 

May 31, 2020  in Paris, France.

 *** Call for contributions ***

We cordially invite you to submit your contribution to the workshop "Brain-PIL: 
New advances in brain-inspired perception, interaction and learning", a 
full-day workshop at IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 
(ICRA 2020), to be held in Paris, France, on May 31st, 2020.
Send your contribution (max 4 pages) through easychair before March 
15<x-apple-data-detectors://3> to:

Important Dates:


  *   Paper Submission Deadline: March 15, 2020
  *   Notification of Acceptance: March 29, 2020
  *   Camera-Ready Deadline: April 15<x-apple-data-detectors://7>, 

Topics of Interest:

  *   Brain-like perception (tactile, vision, etc.) and information fusion
  *   Brain-like Interaction and learning
  *   Brain-inspired navigation and mobility
  *   Brain-inspired ML for robotics (Temporal RL, Deep-RL, Neural Networks)
  *   Brain-Inspired Cognitive Architectures
  *   Neuroscientific-inspired AI (Predictive coding)
  *   Intrinsic body intelligence and adaptation
  *   Decision making in neuro-robotics systems
  *   Skill and Knowledge transfer system for multiple neuro-robotic systems
  *   Brain-inspired Transfer Learning
  *   Brain-inspired control robotic system
  *   Brain-inspired planning, navigation, and mobility

Confirmed Speakers

  *   Matthew Botvinick. DeepMind / UCL – UK
  *   Aude Billard. Ecole Publique Fédérale de Lausanne – Switzerland
  *   Fumiya Iida. Cambridge University – UK
  *   Joni Dambre. Ghent University – Belgium
  *   Auke Ijspeert. Ecole Publique Fédérale de Lausanne – Switzerland
  *   Jun Tani. Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology – Japan
  *   Mehdi Khamassi. Sorbonne Université – France
  *   Manuel Lopes. Instituto Superior Tecnico, INESC-ID - Lisboan
  *   Ravinder Dahiya, University of Glasgow-UK
  *   Hans-Jörg Vögel. BMW Research – Germany


  *   Mohsen Kaboli. Senior Research Scientist, BMW Research. Germany
  *   Tansu Celikel. Professor. Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and 
Behaviour. The Netherlands.
  *   Natalia Díaz-Rodríguez. Assistant Professor. U2IS - ENSTA, Institute 
Polytechnique Paris. France
  *   David Filliat, Professor. U2IS - ENSTA, Institute Polytechnique Paris. 
  *   Pablo Lanillos. Assistant Professor at Donders Institute for Brain, 
Cognition and Behaviour. The Netherlands

Submision guidance
Submissions must be sent in pdf, following the IEEE conference style 
(two-columns) by the easychair system:
Any questions please send an email to<>
The template for the contributions is IEEE RAS workshop 
The following paper categories are welcome:

  *   Short papers (max 4 pages)
  *   Video contribution. Submit a pdf explaining the video and embed the link 
on the text
Accepted contributions will have the opportunity to present their work/ideas to 
the audience in a poster highlights slot. Moreover, excellent submissions will 
give a 15 min talk at the workshop.
Furthermore, a selective number of papers from the poster sessions will be 
invited to submit their extended novel work to Nature Machine Intelligence.
*** Supported by ***
This workshop is supported by the following IEEE-RAS Technical Committees:

  *   Cognitive robotics
  *   Neuro-robotics systems
  *   Robot learning

On behalf of the Organizing team

Dr.-Ing. Mohsen Kaboli
BMW research, AI and Robotic Center of Excellence
Tel: +49-89-382-96049<tel:+49-89-382-96049>
Mobile: +49-151-601-96049<tel:+49-151-601-96049>

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