17th International Conference on 
Environment, Geology, and Materials
(EEESD 2020)
Marathon Beach, Athens, Greece, June, 2-4, 2020

Submitted paper will be peer reviewed. 
All the accepted papers will be published in our Conference Proceedings which 
will be indexed in Scopus, Inpec (IET) and GoogleScholar 

Extended Versions of all the accepted papers will be published in

1) Environments (Publisher MDPI)   (Scopus Indexed, Web of Science - ISI 
2) Energies (Publisher MDPI) (Scopus Indexed, Web of Science - ISI Indexed) 
3) International Journal of Engineering (ESCI - Clarivate Analytics Indexed)
4) International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (Scopus 
Indexed, Web of Science - ISI Indexed) 
5) Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (Scopus Indexed)
6) Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (ESCI - Clarivate 
Analytics Indexed, Scopus Indexed)
7) Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Scopus 
8) Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (Scopus Indexed)
9) International journal of Mechanics and Control (Scopus Indexed)
10) International Journal of Power and Energy Systems (ESCI - Clarivate 
Analytics Indexed, EI Compendex Indexed, Scopus Indexed)
11) International Journal of Robotics and Automation (ESCI - Clarivate 
Analytics Indexed, EI Compendex Indexed, Scopus Indexed)
12) Mechatronics Systems and Control (ESCI - Clarivate Analytics Indexed, EI 
Compendex Indexed, Scopus Indexed)
13) IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI) (Scopus 
14) Journal of Electrical Systems (ESCI - Clarivate Analytics Indexed)
15) International Journal of Applied Mathematics (Scopus Indexed)
16) International Journal of Computer Science (Scopus Indexed)
17) International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (Scopus 
Indexed, Web of Science - ISI Indexed) 
18) International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and 
Engineering (Scopus Indexed)
19) International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research (Scopus 
20) Many Other ISI Clarivate Analytics Indexed, EI Compendex, Scopus Indexed 

Should you want more information for the Journals, contact us by email now: 

Send us your proposal for Special Session or Symposium or Workshop or Tutorial 
or plenary lecture by email :  engema.c...@gmail.com

Afroditi Perraki

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