================================================================= RuleML+RR 2020 CALL FOR PAPERS
RuleML+RR 2020: 4th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning 29 June - 1 July 2020 Oslo, Norway http://2020.ruleml-rr.org Part of "Declarative AI 2020: Rules, Reasoning, Decisions and Explanations" (DeclarativeAI 2020, https://2020.declarativeai.net) ================================================================== == SUMMARY == High-quality papers related to theoretical advances, novel technologies, and artificial intelligence applications concerning explainable algorithmic decision-making that involve rule-based representation and reasoning are solicited. Theme for 2020 edition: Explainable algorithmic decision-making Important paper submission dates: - Abstract: 6 March 2020 - Full paper: 13 March 2020 == THE CONFERENCE == The 4th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR 2020) is the leading international joint conference in the field of rule-based reasoning. Stemming from the synergy with the DecisionCAMP summit, which brings together leading decision management authorities, vendors, and practitioners, one of the main goals of RuleML+RR is to build bridges between academia and industry in the area of rule-based reasoning and applications. RuleML+RR 2020 is part of the event "Declarative AI: Rules, Reasoning, Decisions, and Explanations" to be held in the beautiful city of Oslo, Norway, between 29 June - 1 July 2020. RuleML+RR 2020 aims to bring together rigorous researchers and inventive practitioners, interested in the foundations and applications of rules and reasoning in academia, industry, engineering, business, finance, healthcare, environment, and other application areas. It provides a forum for stimulating cooperation and cross-fertilization between the many different communities focused on the research, development, and applications of rule-based systems. == TOPICS == RuleML+RR welcomes research from all areas of Rules and Reasoning, including topics from our 2020 theme: explainable algorithmic decision-making. The topics of the conference include: * Machine learning approaches involving rules (e.g, extracting rules from Deep Neural Networks or rule-based classification) * Rules for knowledge graphs and ontology learning * Rule-based approaches to natural language processing * Explainable AI approaches based on rules, psychological aspects of rule learning * Rules of ethics, biases, laws, policies, and regulations * Production & business rule systems * Communicating rule models with Decision Model and Notation (DMN) * Applications of rule technologies with explainable AI (xAI) elements * Foundations of declarative AI architectures and languages * Rule-based approaches for intelligent systems and intelligent information access * Vocabularies, ontologies, and business rules * Ontology-based data access * Rule-based data integration * Data management and data interoperability for web data * Distributed agent-based systems for the web * Rule-based approaches to agents * Scalability and expressive power of logics for the semantic web * Reasoning with incomplete, inconsistent and uncertain data * Non-monotonic, common-sense, and closed-world reasoning for web data * Non-classical logics and the Web * Constraint programming * Logic programming * Streaming data and complex event processing * Higher-order and modal rules * Web reasoning and distributed rule inference and execution * Rule markup languages and rule interchange formats * Rule-based policies, reputation, and trust * Rules, blockchain, and smart contracts * Scalability and expressive power of logics for rules * System descriptions, applications and experiences * Rules and human language technology * Rules in online market research and online marketing * Applications of ontologies and rules in environmental protection * Applications in climate change monitoring, mitigation & adaptation * Applications in healthcare and life sciences * Applications in peace and conflict studies * Applications in equity and social welfare * Applications in law, regulation, and finance * Applications in Digital Twins * Industrial applications of rules == SUBMISSIONS == We accept the following submission formats for papers: * Long papers (up to 15 pages in LNCS style) * Short papers (up to 8 pages in LNCS style) Long papers should present original and significant research and/or development results. Short papers should concisely describe general results or specific applications, systems, or position statements. Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a conference/workshop with formal proceedings. Double submission to a workshop with informal proceedings is allowed. Submissions: via EasyChair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rulemlrr2020 A selection of the best accepted papers of RuleML+RR 2020 (2-6 papers) will be invited for submission to the Journal of Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP) published by Cambridge University Press. In addition to regular submissions, RuleML+RR 2020 will include the 14th International Rule Challenge, a Doctoral Consortium, an Industry Track, and a Posters and Interactions session. RuleML+RR 2020 is co-located with DecisionCAMP 2020 and the 16th Reasoning Web Summer School (RW 2020), as part of the Declarative AI 2020 event. == PUBLICATION == The conference proceedings will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS). All submissions must be prepared in Springer's LaTeX style LNCS (http://www.springer.com/comp/lncs/authors.html). == IMPORTANT DATES == Title and Abstract submission: 6 March 2020 Full papers submission: 13 March 2020 Notification of acceptance: 30 April 2020 Camera-ready submission: 8 May 2020 Conference: 29 June- 1 July 2020 == ORGANISATION == - General Chairs: * Dumitru Roman (SINTEF AS / University of Oslo, Norway) * Martin Giese (University of Oslo, Norway) * Ahmet Soylu (NTNU / SINTEF AS, Norway) - Program Chairs: * Victor Gutierrez Basulto (Cardiff University, UK) * Tomas Kliegr (University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic) - Doctoral Consortium Chairs * Paul Fodor (Stony Brook University, USA) * Daniela Inclezan (Miami University, USA) - Rule Challenge Chairs * Sotiris Moschoyiannis (University of Surrey, U.K.) * Jan Vanthienen (KU Leuven, Belgium) - Industry Track Chairs * Francisco Martin-Recuerda (DNVGL, Norway) * Nicolay Nikolov (SINTEF AS, Norway) * Ioan Toma (Onlim, Austria) - Posters & Interactions Chairs * Carlos A. Iglesias (Universidad PolitÈcnica de Madrid, Spain) * Dia Trambitas-Miron (UMFST, Romania / John Snow Labs, USA) - Publicity chair * Jean Christoph Jung (Bremen University, Germany) - Program Committee https://2020.declarativeai.net/events/ruleml-rr/ruleml-rr-organization
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