Call for Papers:
*MLJ Special Issue on Reinforcement Learning for Real Life*

*Submission deadline: March 5, 2020.*

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a general learning, predicting, and decision
making paradigm and applies broadly in science, engineering and arts. RL
has seen prominent successes in many problems, such as Atari games,
AlphaGo, robotics, recommender systems, and AutoML. However, applying RL in
the real world remains challenging, and a natural question is:
 **** What are the issues and how to solve them? ****

The main goals of the special issue are to: (1) identify key research
problems that are critical for the success of real-world applications; (2)
report progress on addressing these critical issues; and (3) have
practitioners share their success stories of applying RL to real-world
problems, and the insights gained from the applications.

We invite submissions successfully applying RL algorithms to real-life
problems by addressing practically relevant RL issues. Our topics of
interest are general, including but not limited to topics below:

 * Practical RL algorithms , which covers all algorithmic challenges of RL,
especially those that directly address challenges faced by real-world

 * Practical issues: generalization, sample/time/space efficiency,
exploration vs. exploitation, reward specification and shaping,
scalability, model-based learning (model validation and model error
estimation), prior knowledge, safety, accountability, interpretability,
reproducibility, hyper-parameter tuning;

 * Applications: recommender systems, advertisements, conversational AI,
business, finance, healthcare, education, robotics, autonomous driving,
transportation, energy, chemical synthesis, drug design, industrial
control, drawing, music, or other problems in science, engineering and arts.

Submissions should be made via the Machine Learning journal website at When submitting your paper, be sure
to specify that the paper is a contribution for the Special Issue "SI:
Reinforcement Learning For Real Life" so that your paper will be assigned
to the guest editors.

Springer does not require authors to submit their papers in a prescribed
template. If the paper is accepted for publication the source files will be
converted by the typesetter and prepared in Springer's format for the
online platform, SpringerLink. Accepted papers will be published online,
before print publication. Resources for journal authors, including
templates and style files, as well as frequently asked questions can be
found at: Journal Author Resources, https://

For any inquiry about the special issue, please contact us at We are looking forward to receiving your

Guest Editors:

Alborz Geramifard (Facebook)
Lihong Li (Google Research)
Yuxi Li (Attain.AI)
Csaba Szepesvari (DeepMind & University of Alberta)
Tao Wang (Apple)
uai mailing list

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