Call for Papers The ICLR 2020 Workshop on Neural Architecture Search (NAS 2020) Collocated with ICLR 2020 in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), April 26, 2020 Web:
---------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates: Submission deadline: 1 February 2020, 11:59pm UTC-12 (Feb 1 anywhere in the world) Notification: 25 February 2020 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is the logical next step in automating the learning of representations. It follows upon the recent transition from manual feature engineering to automatically learning features (using a fixed neural architecture) by replacing manual architecture engineering with automated architecture design. NAS can be seen as a subfield of automated machine learning (AutoML) and has significant overlap with hyperparameter optimization and meta-learning. NAS methods have already outperformed manually-designed architectures on several tasks, such as image classification, object detection or semantic segmentation. They have also already found architectures that yield a better trade-off between resource consumption on target hardware and predictive performance. The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from industry and academia that focus on NAS in order to build a strong, open, inclusive and welcoming community behind it. We invite submissions on the following topics: - Gradient-based NAS - Weight-sharing methods - Bayesian optimization - Evolutionary algorithms - Reinforcement learning - Hyperparameter optimization - Meta-learning and transfer learning - Predictive models of performance - Multi-fidelity optimization methods - Benchmarking and robustness of NAS - Applications of NAS to various tasks Since NAS often relies on high computational demands and substantial engineering efforts, a particular focus of this workshop is on reproducibility. We therefore encourage authors to open-source their code and results and will take this into account in the decision making process. As part of the submission, authors will have to indicate which parts of the NAS best practices checklist <> they satisfy. Submissions should be up to 4 pages in ICLR format (plus references and an appendix of up to 10 pages). All accepted papers will be presented as posters. We may invite the best 2-3 papers for an oral plenary presentation. Unless indicated by the authors, we will provide PDFs of all accepted papers on the workshop website. There will be no archival proceedings. For submission details please see the submission page (link to come). Keynote Speakers - Isabelle Guyon (Chalearn & University Paris Sud) - Song Han (MIT) - Quoc V. Le (Google Brain) - Ameet Talwalkar (CMU & Determined AI) Location The 1st NAS workshop will be co-located with the 8th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2020) in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) and will take place on April 26th. Tentative Dates - January 24th: Submission system opens - February 1st (anywhere on earth): Submission deadline - February 21st: Reviewing deadline - February 25th: Author notification - April 2nd: Camera Ready Copy due - April 26th: Workshop day
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