ICLR 2020 Workshop Machine Learning in Real-Life (ML-IRL)
Workshop at International Conference on Learning Representations
Sunday April 26, 2020
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Key dates:
* January 25, 2020: Submission deadline
* February 25, 2020: Acceptance notification
* April 26, 2020: Workshop

ML-IRL is about the challenges of real-world use of machine learning and the 
gap between what ML can do in theory and what is needed in practice. Given the 
tremendous recent advances in methodology from causal inference to deep 
learning, the strong interest in applications (in health, climate and beyond), 
and discovery of problematic implications (e.g. issues of fairness and 
explainability) now is an ideal time to examine how we develop, evaluate and 
deploy ML and how we can do it better. We envision a workshop that is focused 
on productive solutions, not mere identification of problems or demonstration 
of failures.

We believe one of the keys to making ML that really works is involving a 
diverse set of people and perspectives in its development, deployment, and 
evaluation. Our program committee spans academia and industry across four 
continents and has experience ranging from theoretical machine learning to 
legal implications of AI. We welcome all submissions that share our goal of ML 
in IRL, and especially encourage submissions from researchers who may not 
regularly attend ICLR or other ML conferences. We will have a limited number of 
free guaranteed registrations available for local students and researchers. 
Details on how to apply will be posted on the workshop website soon!

*Andreas Gros, Facebook
*Nyalleng, Moorosi, Google AI Lab Ghana
*Susan Murphy, Harvard University
*Suchi Saria, Johns Hopkins

We aim to examine how real-world applications can and should influence every 
stage of ML, from how we develop algorithms to how we evaluate them. The key 
themes of the workshop are foundational challenges that are domain independent:
  -Data collection and algorithms designed for the challenges of real-world data
  -Causal inference with realistic assumptions
  -Transportability across contexts and domains
 -Observational data and deep learning
  -Grand challenges and blindspots for specific domains
  -How to avoid failures
  -How can we build properties like fairness in from the start?
  -The gap between what is possible (in terms of data/law/society) and common 
methodological assumptions
  -Human and ML interaction and collaboration, and considering humans in ML 
development more broadly
This list is not exhaustive and we both welcome and encourage submissions on 
all aspects of machine learning in real-life!

  *Short papers and position pieces (4 pages)
   *Problem statements and abstracts (1 page)
4-page submissions will be eligible for oral or poster presentation. One page 
submissions will be presented as posters. Contributions should be blinded and 
submitted using the ICLR template via EasyChair. The link will be posted on the 
website soon.

Samantha Kleinberg (Stevens Institute of Technology)
Rumi Chunara (New York University)

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