GenPlan ‘20: AAAI 20 Workshop on Generalization in Planning
Call For Papers (CFP)

TL; DR: Please consider submitting your recent work and surveys of recent
results on generalization in planning by November 1st, 2019 November 15th,
2019 at
<>. The workshop will be organized
as a part of AAAI-20 in New York, NY (Feb 7-12, 2020).


Humans are good at solving sequential decision making problems,
generalizing from few examples, and transferring this knowledge to solve
new unseen problems. These problems remain longstanding open problems for
Artificial Intelligence (AI). In the last decade, the planning community
has improved the performance of automated planning systems to solve
decision making problems by including novel search techniques and
heuristics. On the other hand, the learning community has made major
breakthroughs in reinforcement learning techniques for solving planning
problems. However, industry level scalability and skill/task generalization
still remains  an open challenge for current AI tools.

This workshop will feature a mix of invited talks, survey talks in a
highlights format, as well as presentations of submitted papers. We aim to
synthesize and highlight recent research on the topic from multiple
sub-fields of AI, including those of reinforcement learning, classical
planning, planning under uncertainty, as well as learning for planning. At
the end of the workshop we expect to come up with new insights and topics
to address the challenges of generalization in planning.


Topics of interest to this workshop bring together research being conducted
in a range of areas, including classical planning, knowledge engineering,
partial policies and reinforcement learning, plan verification, and model
checking. Potential topics include but are not limited to:


   Learning and deriving generalized plans

   Learning generalizable policies with reinforcement learning

   Transfer learning of generalizable policies

   Representation of generalizable solutions

   Driving domain control knowledge and partial policies with planning and

   Program synthesis

   Heuristics for plan and policy generalization

   Generation and detection of good examples for planning and learning

   Generalized planning for problems with partial observability and/or noise

   Learning models for generalizable planning

   Model checking for generalization guarantees


The workshop will feature multiple invited plenary and highlight talks as
well as presentations of submitted technical and position papers. It will
also include discussion sessions tuned to the topics presented at the
workshop. It is scheduled for one-day.


We are glad to announce the following speakers for GenPlan ‘20 workshop:


   Hector Geffner <> (invited talk)

   Leslie Kaelbling <> (invited talk)

   Giuseppe De Giacomo <> (highlights

   George Konidaris <> (highlights talk)

   Sheila McIllraith <> (highlights talk)

   Peter Stone <> (highlights talk)

Talk titles and abstracts will be posted in the “Program” section of the
webpage <>.


Submissions can describe either work in progress or mature work that has
already been published at other research venues and would be of interest to
researchers working on generalization in planning. Previously published
work in whole or in part may be in the form of a resubmission of a previous
paper, or in the form of a position paper that overviews and cites a body
of work. Submissions of papers being reviewed at other venues are welcome
since this is a non-archival venue and we will not require a transfer of
copyright. If such papers are currently under blind review, please anonymize
the submission. Technical papers may be up to 7 pages 8 pages + 1 for
references; position papers may be up to 2 pages including references.

All papers should be typeset in the AAAI style, described at, with the AuthorKit20


Papers should be submitted via EasyChair at



   Paper Submission Deadline November 1, 2019 November 15, 2019

   Author Notification December 3, 2019

   Camera-ready version due December 20, 2019

   Workshop Date February (7 or 8, to be confirmed), 2020


Javier Segovia-Aguas <> (,
Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial (IRI), Spain.

Siddharth Srivastava <> (, Arizona State University, USA.

Raquel Fuentetaja <> (, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.

Aviv Tamar <> (,
Israel Institute for Technology, Israel.

Anders Jonsson <> (, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain.
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