****DEADLINE: 15 NOVEMBER, 2019****  (NOT 15 October as previously announced)

A number of postdoctoral positions in Statistics at Department of Mathematical 
Sciences, University of Copenhagen are available:

* The Thiele Data Science Fellowship is a postdoctoral fellowship for up to 
four years, which will be awarded to support an excellent early-career 
researcher within data science. For additional information, contact Niels 
Richard Hansen mailto:niels.r.han...@math.ku.dk

In addition, there will be postdoc stipends in the following specific 
areas/centers of the department:

* Copenhagen Causality Lab covering such research topics as causal inference 
for stochastic dynamical systems, partially observed systems, invariant 
prediction and graphical models.

See  https://www.math.ku.dk/english/research/spt/cocala/

for more information or write Jonas Peters mailto:jonas.pet...@math.ku.dk

* Inference from large scale genetic data using graphical models. For contact, 
write Carsten Wiuf mailto:w...@math.ku.dk

* Stochastic multiscale modelling and reduction. For contact, write Carsten 
Wiuf mailto:w...@math.ku.dk

Read more and apply here:


Posted by

Steffen Lauritzen

Professor of Statistics

University of Copenhagen

Department of Mathematical Sciences

Universitetsparken 5

2100 Copenhagen


DIR +45 35 33 75 97

MOB +45 23 34 75 97


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