From: Stefan Koynov <>
Sent: Friday, September 20, 2019 5:39 AM

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to IEEE IS'20:
2020      10th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems
IEEE Conference record #48319

 Deadline for full draft paper submission:  by November 2019


IEEE Computational Intelligence Chapter of Bulgaria
IEEE IM/CS/SMC Joint Chapter of Bulgaria

SAI on Automation and Informatics, Bulgaria

University for Library Studies and Information Technologies – Sofia, Bulgari

Institute of Information and Communication Technologies – BAS
 Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Section Computer Science
Federation of Scientific-Technical Unions of Bulgaria

IEEE IM/CS/SMC Joint Chapter of Bulgaria
Technical Co-Sponsors:
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society
IEEE Computational Intelligence Chapter of Bulgaria

IEEE IS 2020 is a world-class conference held for the 10th time that aims to
bring together researchers from both academy and industry, practitioners and
students in the broad field of intelliget systems and applications from around
the world. The conference will be held in a resort near Varna, the 'sea 
capital' of Bulgaria, EU.
The bi-annual IEEE IS 
 covers all topics in intelligent
systems and applications including:

Advanced Analytics
Artificial Intelligence
Autonomous and Organic Computation
Big Data
Bio-Inspired Intelligence
Brain Modeling and Simulation
Cognitive Systems
Computational Finance and Economy
Computational Intelligence
Data Analytics
Data Science
Data/Web Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Deep Learning
Evolutionary Computation
 Evolving Systems

 Fuzzy Sets and Systems
 Generalized Nets
 Genetic Algoritms
Human-Machine Interaction
 Hybrid Systems
 Intelligent Behavior
 Intelligent Control
Intelligent Cyber Security
Intelligent Decision Making Systems
Intelligent Information Processing
 Intelligent Measurement
Intelligent Pattern Recognition
Internet of Things
Internet of Robotics
Internet of Everything
 Intuitionisting Fuzzy Sets

IS in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
 Machine Learning
Application areas:
  Augmented Reality
  Data Processing
  Knowledge Management
  Education, e-Learning
  Process Control
  Health, Medicine and Bioengineering
  Power Industry
  Enviromental Engineering
  Smart Systems

In addition to the technical, poster and student sessions, Plenary Lectures will
be delivered byProf. N. Kasabov (NZ), Prof. J. Kacprzyk (PL) and other eminent 

For additional information please write to Full Professor Vladimir Jotsov, IEEE 
IS'20 Conference General Chair or to Full Professor Ljubka Doukovska, Chair
of NOC and to the Scietific Secretary Assoc. Professor Olympia Roeva:<>
Paper Submission
Prospective authors are invited to contribute original,full draft papers in IEEE
(conference) 2-column journal format to IEEE IS 2020 using following link:
For more information:
The submission will be executed through EDAS platform 
( For more information please visit<>).
The paper format is unchanged 
 but please wait for the final template additions from IEEE Publication Dept. 
[to appear soon on the conference site]

The proceedings will be indexed in major databases and available through IEEE
eXplorer  & web site.

Traditionally the augmented versions of conference selected papers appear within
1-2 years after the conference dates in well-known International Journals and/or
post-conference books. The last one is published in Springer series 'Advances
in Soft Computing'.

Since 2004 many Springer books have been published with IS best paper 
post-conference results, among them:
Intelligent Systems: Theory, Research and Innovation in Applications” (R. 
Goncalves, V. Sgurev, V. Jotsov, J. Kacprzyk, Eds.), Springer, 2019 (in print).
Special issue of  International Journal of Computing, 2019 (in print)

 Practical Issues of Intelligent Innovations. V. Sgurev, V. Jotsov, J. Kacprzyk 
(Eds.), Springer, NY Berlin Heidelberg, Springer Series Studies in Systems, 
Decision and Control, ISSN 2198-4182, ISBN 978-3-319-78436-6, 2018.
 Learning Systems: From Theory to Practice. V.Sgurev, V. Piuri, V. Jotsov 
(Eds.), Springer, Series Studies in Computational Intelligence, NY Berlin 
Heidelberg, DOI 0.1007/978-3-319-75181-8, vol. 756, 2018.
 Recent Contributions on Intelligent Systems, V. Sgurev, R. Yager, J. Kacprzyk, 
K. Atanassov (Eds.), Series Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol. 657, 
Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 2016  (ISSN 1860-9503)
Innovative Issues in Intelligent Systems.  V. Sgurev, R. Yager, J. Kacprzyk, 
Jotsov (Eds.) Springer, Berlin Heiderberg, 2015.
Novel Applications of Intelligent Systems. M. Hadjiski, N. Kasabov, D. Filev, 
V. Jotsov (Eds.) Springer, Berlin Heiderberg, 2015.
In 2014 two Springer books are issued and one Journal: International Journal of 
Intelligent Systems (IJIS, Wiley Press)
In 2013 the IEEE IS'2012 post-conference papers had been published in Special 
Issue on: "Contemporary Multiagent and Other Intelligent 
Applications"//International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies, 
Inderscience Publishers, 2013, vol. 2, No. 3,
and so on
The deadline for calls for Invited Sessions (minimum 5 papers), Tutorials and
Workshops is December, 15, 2019.

Important Dates
Invited session/Tutorial/Workshop decision notification: December 1, 2019
Draft paper submission deadline: December 15, 2019
Notification of acceptance: February 5, 2020
Submission of final papers:  March 15, 2020
Early registration: before February 15, 2020
Conference dates: June 26-28, 2020

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IEEE IS'20 Honorary Chairmen:
Prof. Ronald Yager (USA)
Prof. Vassil Sgurev (Bulgaria)

IEEE IS'20 General Chairman:
Prof. Vladimir Jotsov (Bulgaria)

IEEE IS'20 Conference Chairs:
Prof. Rudolf Kruse Germany)
Prof. Václav Snášel (Czech Republic)
Prof. Anatoly Sachenko (Ukraine)

IEEE IS'20 Program chairs:
Prof. Plamen Angelov (Great Britain)
Prof. Krassimir Atanassov (Bulgaria)
Prof. Mincho Hadjiski (Bulgaria)
Prof. Ricardo Goncalves (Portugal)
Vladimir Jotsov
Full Professor
Ph.D. in Computer Science/Artificial Intelligence
D.Sc. in Information Security
Secretary of IEEE Section Bulgaria
ViceChair of IEEE IM/CS/SMC Joint Chapter of Bulgaria (2003, 2009 IEEE CSS 
Outstanding Chapter)
Faculty 'Information Sciences'
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
P.O.Box 161, Sofia 1113 Bulgaria, EU

mobile (+359) 898 828 678

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