------------------------------------------------------------------------ ITC 2019: International Timetabling competitionhttps://www.itc2019.org ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * NEWS*
* *Middle instances are published!* o 10 other real-world instances available now o see characteristics at https://www.itc2019.org/middle-instances * *Current status* o winners for two milestones announced with the total costs <https://www.itc2019.org/#results> of the best solution for each of the early instances <https://www.itc2019.org/early-instances> o 174 registered users from 51 countries o 18 users successfully verified their solutions * *What next?* o late instances to be published on November 8 o final submission by November 18 o papers welcomed for the special track about the competition at PATAT <http://www.patatconference.org> 2020: open to any work related to the competition problems ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***UNIVERSITY COURSE TIMETABLING COMPETITION* * Assignment of times and rooms to events * Student sectioning based on course demands * Optimization by minimizing penalties of o time and room assignments, o violated soft constraints, o student conflicts * Course structure for student sectioning * Rooms with travel times and unavailabilities * Events not meeting every week ***RICH REAL-WORLD DATA INSTANCES* * Diverse characteristics * 10 institutions from five continents * Early, middle and late instances, 10 instances each * Data collected from the UniTime educational scheduling system ***NO TIME OR TECHNOLOGY LIMITATIONS* * Commercial solvers allowed * Looking for the best solutions * Solution validator as a web service *WINNERS* * Five finalists, prices for the first three o 1000, 500, 250 EUR * Free PATAT 2020 registrations * Awards supported by o PATAT conference o EWG PATAT * Award for the best open source solver o 500 USD o Award provided by Apereo Foundation * Awards for winners of late instances o 150 EUR per instance o Awards provided by ORTEC * Points awarded for each instance * More points for later instances ***PATAT 2020 CONFERENCE* * A special track about the competition * Winners announced * Journal special issue ***IMPORTANT DATES * September 18, 2019 Middle instances published November 8, 2019 Late instances published November 18, 2019 Final submission January 1, 2020 Open source solvers publication January 15, 2020 Finalists published February-March, 2020 PATAT 2020 submissions August, 2020 Winners announced at PATAT 2020 Autumn, 2020 Journal special issue * **AFTER THE COMPETITION* * The ITC 2019 website remains available * Tracking the best-known solutions and related papers *****SPONSORS* * Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT) * ORTEC: optimization software and analytics solutions * Apereo Foundation: supporting open-source software for higher education * EURO working group on Automated Timetabling (EWG PATAT) * UniTime educational scheduling system * Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University ***ORGANIZERS* * Tomas Muller, Purdue University, UniTime, s.r.o. * Hana Rudova, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University * Zuzana Mullerova, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, UniTime, s.r.o. See https://www.itc2019.org for more details.
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