   ITC 2019: International Timetabling competitionhttps://www.itc2019.org

     * *Middle instances are published!*
         o 10 other real-world instances available now
         o see characteristics at https://www.itc2019.org/middle-instances
     * *Current status*
         o winners for two milestones announced with the total costs
           <https://www.itc2019.org/#results> of the best solution for
           each of the early instances
         o 174 registered users from 51 countries
         o 18 users successfully verified their solutions
     * *What next?*
         o late instances to be published on November 8
         o final submission by November 18
         o papers welcomed for the special track about the competition
           at PATAT <http://www.patatconference.org> 2020: open to any
           work related to the competition problems



     * Assignment of times and rooms to events
     * Student sectioning based on course demands
     * Optimization by minimizing penalties of
         o time and room assignments,
         o violated soft constraints,
         o student conflicts
     * Course structure for student sectioning
     * Rooms with travel times and unavailabilities
     * Events not meeting every week


     * Diverse characteristics
     * 10 institutions from five continents
     * Early, middle and late instances, 10 instances each
     * Data collected from the UniTime educational scheduling system


     * Commercial solvers allowed
     * Looking for the best solutions
     * Solution validator as a web service


     * Five finalists, prices for the first three
         o 1000, 500, 250 EUR
     * Free PATAT 2020 registrations
     * Awards supported by
         o PATAT conference
         o EWG PATAT
     * Award for the best open source solver
         o 500 USD
         o Award provided by Apereo Foundation
     * Awards for winners of late instances
         o 150 EUR per instance
         o Awards provided by ORTEC
     * Points awarded for each instance
     * More points for later instances


     * A special track about the competition
     * Winners announced
     * Journal special issue


   September 18, 2019   Middle instances published
   November 8, 2019     Late instances published
   November 18, 2019    Final submission
   January 1, 2020      Open source solvers publication
   January 15, 2020
        Finalists published
   February-March, 2020         PATAT 2020 submissions
   August, 2020         Winners announced at PATAT 2020
   Autumn, 2020         Journal special issue


     * The ITC 2019 website remains available
     * Tracking the best-known solutions and related papers


     * Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling
     * ORTEC: optimization software and analytics solutions
     * Apereo Foundation: supporting open-source software for higher
     * EURO working group on Automated Timetabling (EWG PATAT)
     * UniTime educational scheduling system
     * Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University


     * Tomas Muller, Purdue University, UniTime, s.r.o.
     * Hana Rudova, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
     * Zuzana Mullerova, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University,
       UniTime, s.r.o.

   See https://www.itc2019.org for more details.

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