NeurIPS 2019 Workshop: Safety and Robustness in Decision-making

Vancouver, Friday December 13, 2019


Paper Submission Deadline: September 22, 2019  

Notification of Acceptance: September 30, 2019

Workshop: Friday December 13, 2019



Interacting with increasingly sophisticated decision-making systems is becoming 
more and more a part of our daily life. This creates an immense responsibility 
for designers of these systems to build them in a way to guarantee safe 
interaction with their users and good performance, in the presence of noise and 
changes in the environment, and/or of model misspecification and uncertainty. 
Any progress in this area will be a huge step forward in using decision-making 
algorithms in emerging high stakes applications, such as autonomous driving, 
robotics, power systems, health care, recommendation systems, and finance.

This workshop aims to bring together researchers from academia and industry in 
order to discuss main challenges, describe recent advances, and highlight 
future research directions pertaining to develop safe and robust 
decision-making systems. We aim to highlight new and emerging theoretical and 
applied research opportunities for the community that arise from the evolving 
needs for decision-making systems and algorithms that guarantee safe 
interaction and good performance under a wide range of uncertainties in the 

The research challenges we are interested in addressing in this workshop 
include (but not limited to):

Counterfactual reasoning and off-policy evaluation.

How to learn a policy that either has certain performance (safety w.r.t. a 
baseline) or avoids certain undesirable situations (safety w.r.t. undesirable 
situations) in the presence of model uncertainty?

How to (safely) explore the environment and update the model in order to 
maximize either the model improvement or the performance of the policy learned 
from the new (updated) model? 

How to measure robustness? Robustness is becoming an overused term with too 
many different meanings

How to balance robustness with performance? Existing robust solutions are often 
optimize for the worst-case scenario, and thus, are overly conservative (give 
up too much on the performance). 

Better understanding the relation between risk and robustness.


Papers submitted to the workshop should be between 4 to 8 pages long, excluding 
references and appendix, and in NeurIPS 2019 format (NOT ANONYMIZED). Accepted 
papers will be presented as posters or contributed oral presentations. 

Submissions should be sent as a pdf file by email to


Finale Doshi-Velez (Harvard University)

Dimitar Filev (Ford Motor Company)

Thorsten Joachims (Cornell University)

Nathan Kallus (Cornell University)

Daniel Kuhn (EPFL)

Scott Niekum (University of Texas at Austin)

Marco Pavone (Stanford University)

Andy Sun (Georgia Tech)

Aviv Tamar (Technion)



Yinlam Chow (Google Research)

Mohammad Ghavamzadeh (Facebook AI Research)

Shie Mannor (Technion)

Marek Petrik (University of New Hampshire) 

Yisong Yue (Caltech)

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