(apologies for cross-posting) Call for Abstracts ============================================================
The 25th edition of the International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP’2019) welcomes extended abstracts presenting recent results or work in progress that fit the conference themes (including all thematic tracks: Computational Sustainability, CP and Life Sciences, CP Data Science and Machine Learning, Multi-agent and Parallel CP, Testing and Verification). Abstracts will not be formally reviewed but may be rejected if their contents, tone or format is considered unsuitable for the conference. Therefore, submissions do not need to be anonymous. The abstracts will not appear in the final LNCS proceedings but will be made downloadable from the conference website and distributed in an abstract leaflet to all the participants. Abstracts that address topics of wide interest and that have been submitted before August 31 will be allocated room in the CP 2019 program (depending on available time and space resources). Deadline for submitting abstracts ------------------------------------------------------------ September 6 (midnight, AoE) Submissions Instructions ------------------------------------------------------------ Paper submission is done via EasyChair (CP2019), in the “Abstracts” track: https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=cp2019 Length and format ------------------------------------------------------------ The submissions should be submitted in the form of a PDF file formatted along the lines of the AAAI formatting instructions available at http://www.aaai.org/Publications/Author/author.php. Abstracts can use a maximum of 2 pages and can cover material which has already been submitted or published in other journals or conferences. Other Information ------------------------------------------------------------ Questions about the paper submission process may be addressed to the Program Chairs Simon de Givry and Thomas Schiex.
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