Two PhD positions in Formal Methods in System Engineering Group at TU Wien,

The Institute of Logic and Computation at the TU Wien,
<> FORSYTE Group is offering two research assistant (PhD
student) Positions, 30 h/week, for a period of 4 years. 
The successful candidate will be supervised by Prof. Pavol Cerny. The
estimated start date is September 2, 2019.


Candidates with a research background in computer-aided verification,
programming languages, and distributed systems are particularly encouraged
to apply. Excellent knowledge of German and English languages is a
requirement. TU Wien aims to increase the proportion of women and therefore
calls on qualified women to apply. Persons with disabilities are equally
encouraged to apply. For further Information please contact Mr. Gerhard
Neustätter,  <>


The monthly minimum salary is currently EUR 2.148,40 (14x per year). Prior
experience may result in a higher salary. The Faculty of Informatics at TU
Wien is the largest one in Austria. It offers a first-class research
environment and various academic development programs. Vienna has repeatedly
been ranked Number 1 worldwide in the Mercer Quality of Living Survey.


The proposed research will focus on computer-aided verification and
synthesis of distributed systems. The application should include the
candidate's CV, an abstract of her/his Diploma/Master thesis, a short
motivation letter, and contact information for two references.  
The first screening of applications will start on July 4, 2019.

Application Deadline: 04.07.2019 (Date of postmark)

Please send your application documents to Personaladministration,
Fachbereich wiss. Personal der TU Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien. Online
applications to  <> 

Candidates are not eligible for a refund of expenses for traveling and
lodging related to the application process.


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