
In conjunction with the 13th ACM Recommender Systems Conference (RecSys'19), 
the RecSys Challenge 2019 will be organized by trivago, TU Wien, Politecnico di 
Milano, and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. trivago is a global hotel search 
platform focused on reshaping the way travelers search for and compare hotels, 
while enabling advertisers of hotels to grow their businesses by providing 
access to a broad audience of travelers via our websites and apps. trivago has 
established 55 localized platforms in over 190 countries and provides access to 
over two million hotels, including alternative accommodations, with prices and 
availability from over 400+ booking sites and hotel chains.

This year's challenge focuses on travel metasearch. The goal of this challenge 
is to develop a session-based and context-aware recommender system using 
various input data to provide a list of accommodations that will match the 
needs of the user.

In the challenge, participants will be tasked with predicting which 
accommodations (items) have been clicked in the search result during the last 
part of a user session in an offline evaluation setup. To this end, trivago 
will release a public dataset of hotel search sessions.

A detailed description of the challenge will be made available soon (see 
tentative timeline).


An overview paper will be provided soon to the participants.

Participation and Data

The data for this year's challenge is provided by trivago and can be downloaded 
from https://recsys.trivago.cloud/. You can access the data once you create an 
account and agree with the terms and conditions. The information on the 
challenge participation can also be found on this website.


Note: the timeline is subject to slight modifications.

* March 2019: Dataset Release & RecSys Challenge starts. The data can be 
downloaded from https://recsys.trivago.cloud/. The website will go live on 
March 05.
* June 30, 2019: RecSys Challenge ends Final submission due (11:59 PM in the 
UTC-12:00 time zone).
* July 2019: Announcement of the final leaderboard and winners & Paper 
submission for RecSys Challenge Workshop
* August 2019: Paper Acceptance Notifications & Camera-ready due for the 
accepted papers
* September 16-20, 2019: Workshop will take place as part of the ACM RecSys 
conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Challenge Organizers

* Philipp Monreal, trivago, Germany
* Wolfgang Gassler, trivago, Germany
* Jens Adamczak, trivago, Germany
* Gerard Leyson, trivago, Germany
* Peter Knees, TU Wien, Austria
* Yashar Deldjoo, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
* Farshad Bakhshandegan Moghaddam, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany


* Dávid Zibriczky, DB Schenker, Germany
* Markus Schedl, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
* Hamed Zamani, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA, USA
* Mehdi Elahi, Free University of Bozen, Bolzano

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