Dear all,

Funding is available for a 6 months (or more) internship in our team at Massey 
University (NZ).
Details below.
Best wishes,


#### Integration of network information and gene expression data. ####

## Context,objectives, exploratory approach and expected results.

Our goal is to put RNAseq measurements in the context of the molecular networks 
that govern cells activity. Large transcriptome profiles for different tissues 
enable researchers to seek tissue-specific patterns. This can be done via the 
identification of individual genes. However, biological processes are driven by 
the many interactions of their constituting entities. The interaction networks 
gather all the known interactions, for all conditions. From this “generic 
multiplex” network, we aim to identify active sub-clusters under specific 
conditions by contextualising the network.

This idea comes within the scope of untangling the complexity of some 
genotype-phenotype relationships by identifying underlying causal (communities 
within) regulatory networks. To tackle noise, high-dimensionality and 
heterogeneity, we will use probabilistic graphical models (PGM) to 
contextualise relationships between genetic mutation, gene expressions and 
phenotypes of interest. For example, Markov random fields, a class of PGM, can 
integrate multiplex networks -a prior in statistical terms- with tissue or 
cell-specific data. We will map the landscape of cellular and tissue 
perturbations and identify subparts of the integral genetic circuitry specific 
to these conditions.

Ultimately, we would like to transpose the developped methodology to the study 
of rare monogenic diseases (MD), characterisedby mutationsin singlegenes 
triggering devastating health disorders for affected individuals. MDs display 
largely unexplained variability in symptoms, causing many patients to remain 
undiagnosed, with almost no existing treatment (sample sizes can be very low) 
could be treated as specific conditions with a commmon triggering factor. 
Network contextualisation in this setting is a first step into personalised 

## Role of the candidate and profile. The successful candidate will be 
responsible for the study of the data integration technique to jointly analyse 
multiplex networks and transcriptomics data and the implementation in the form 
of an R package. A report will also be expected to be produced at the end of 
the internship.

Strong mathematical (e.g. a prior exposure to PGM such as Markov random fields 
or Bayesian networks) knowledge and computational (comfortable writing code in 
Python and/or C and/or R) skills with a real taste for multi-disciplinary 
collaborations (bioinformatics, medical health) are needed for this project. At 
least M2 or 3rd year/end of engineering school curriculum with 1st class or 2nd 
class upper honours.

## Practical aspects. a stipend to cover travel costs and living expenses in 
Palmerston North (NZ) is available to the right candidate for the duration of 
the internship (6 month minimum). The supervision team will include 
mathematicians/statisticians/bioinformaticians from Massey University (NZ) and 
Aix-Marseille* University (France).

The ideal starting date would be at the very start of April 2019, although an 
earlier/later start is negotiable.

To apply, please send your CV (including at least two refrerences) and a 
motivation letter (1 page max).

Contacts: Matthieu Vignes,<>, 
+64 (0)6-951-7654 or Léo Pio-Lopez,<>.

Any question on this role? Feel free to contact us!

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