The World Wide Web has become part of our everyday life, and information retrieval and data mining on the Web are now of enormous practical interest. The algorithms supporting these activities combine the view of the Web as a text repository and as a graph, induced in various ways by links among pages, hosts and users.
The aim of the 16th Workshop on Algorithms and Models for the Web Graph (WAW 2019) is to further the understanding of graphs that arise from the Web and various user activities on the Web, and stimulate the development of high-performance algorithms and applications that exploit these graphs. The workshop will also welcome the researchers who are working on graph-theoretic and algorithmic aspects of citation networks, social networks, biological networks, molecular networks, and the Internet. WAW 2019 Keynotes: Anthony Bonato (Ryerson University, Canada) Catherine Greenhill (University of New South Wales, Australia) Peter Taylor (University of Melbourne, Australia) Submission Guidelines WAW 2019 invites original research papers and abstracts on all aspects of algorithmic and mathematical research in the areas pertaining to the World-Wide Web, especially papers that espouse the view of complex data as networks. Submissions are invited in, but not limited to, the following areas: * Algorithms: graph algorithms, clustering, collaborative filtering, routing optimization. * Analysis: structural properties, visualization, patterns, communities, discovery, flow simulation. * Data Models: graph models, evolution, trust and reputation networks. * Topics: Web, social networks, transportation networks, communication networks, recommender networks, citation networks, Wikipedia, biological networks, blogs, p2p. * Applications: web mining, social applications, routing & transportation, web search and ranking. The papers must be formatted according to Springer LNCS style<>. The maximum length of papers is at most 15pages. The workshop proceedings will be published as a Springer LNCS volume<>. Selected papers from the workshop will be invited to a special issue of Internet Mathematics<>. Talks associated with proceedings papers will be 30 minutes. Abstracts are a maximum of one page, may be in any style, and must be pdf files. They should include the title, speakers, and a summary of research. All abstracts related to the conference areas will be accepted (at the discretion of the program committee), and published on the conference website (but not published in the proceedings). Talks associated with abstracts will be 20 minutes. Papers and abstracts must be submitted via Easychair<>. Important dates: * Full paper submission: April 1, 2019 * Notification of acceptance: May 1, 2019 * Final version due: June 1, 2019 * WAW 2019: July 6-7, 2019 Committees Program Committee Chairs * Konstantin Avrachenkov, Inria, France * Pawel Pralat, Ryerson University, Canada * Nan Ye, University of Queensland, Australia Program Committee * Konstantin Avrachenkov, Inria * Paolo Boldi, University of Milano * Anthony Bonato, Ryerson University * Milan Bradonjic, * Fan Chung Graham, UC San Diego * Collin Cooper, King's College London * Andrzej Dudek, Western Michigan University * Alan Frieze, Carnegie Mellon University * David Gleich, Purdue University * Jeannette Janssen, Dalhousie University * Bogumil Kaminski, SGH Warsaw School of Economics * Ravi Kumar, Google * Marc Lelarge, Inria * Stefano Leonardi, Sapienza University of Rome * Nelly Litvak, University of Twente * Michael Mahoney, UC Berkeley * Oliver Mason, NUI Maynooth * Dieter Mitsche, Universite de Nice Sophia-Antipolis * Peter Morters, University of Bath * Tobias Mueller, Utrecht University * Liudmila Ostroumova, Yandex * Pan Peng, University of Vienna * Xavier Perez-Gimenez, University of Nebraska-Lincoln * Pawel Pralat, Ryerson University * Vittorio Scarano, University of Salerno * Przemyslaw Szufel, SGH Warsaw School of Economics * Yana Volkovich, AppNexus * Nan Ye, The University of Queensland * Stephen Young, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Contact All questions about submissions should be emailed to,,
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