



17th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and

                                          Communications (PerCom 2019)


                           Kyoto, JAPAN

                        March 11 – 15, 2019

Sponsored by:  IEEE Computer Society, Washington State University,               Rochester Institute of Technology.

Technically co-sponsored by: IEEE TCCC, IEEE TCPP.

Other Sponsors: TATERU Inc., Yahoo Japan, Corp., KDDI Research, Inc., NTT DOCOMO, INC., Mitsubishi Electric, Corp., Kayamori Foundation of

Informational Science Advancement, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, The Telecommunication Advancement Foundation,

Kyoto Convention Bureau, Tateisi Science and Technology Foundation,

The Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal (ELSEVIER), The National

Science Foundation (pending).


Approaching deadlines (all due Feb. 22)

* Early Registration (Due: Feb. 22)

 ** http://www.percom.org/node/18

 ** (The conference registration covers all events.)

* IEEE CS TCPP & TCCC Travel Grant for non-US students (Due: Feb. 22)

 ** http://www.percom.org/node/22

* NSF Travel grant for US students (pending NFS approval) (Due: Feb. 22)

 ** http://www.percom.org/node/22


IEEE PerCom, now in its seventeenth year, is established as the premier

annual scholarly venue in the areas of pervasive computing and

communications. Pervasive computing and communications have evolved

into highly active areas of research; they have found their way into

many current commercial systems due to the tremendous advances in a

broad spectrum of technologies and topics including wireless networking,

mobile and distributed computing, sensor systems, ambient intelligence,

and smart devices.

PerCom 2019 will be held in Kyoto, formerly the imperial capital of

Japan for long years and one of the most attractive cities for tourists

for its cultures, histories and cuisines. PerCom 2019 will provide a

leading edge scholarly forum for researchers, engineers, and students

alike to share their state-of-the art research and developmental work

in the broad areas of pervasive computing and communications. The

conference will feature a diverse mixture of interactive forums: core

technical sessions of high-quality cutting-edge research articles;

a "new" industry session of high-quality industry-oriented papers;

targeted workshops on exciting topics; live demonstrations of pervasive

computing in action; insightful keynote speeches; panel discussions from

domain experts; and posters of emerging ideas.

== Main Features ==

* Two keynote speeches

* 26 Full Papers and 4 Concise Papers

* 5 Industry Track Papers

* Thought Provoking Panel

* Best Papers Session

* WiP, Demo and PhD "Teaser Madness"

* PhD Forum

* 21 Workshops


Preliminary Program Outline


* March 11: Pre-conference Workshops

* March 12 - 14: Main Conference

* March 13: Conference Banquet

* March 15: Post-Conference Workshops

Visit http://www.percom.org/node/55 for more detail program.


Two Keynote Speeches


Keynote 1: March 12, 2019

Title: "Networked Robot Swarms-Ready or Not?"

Speaker: Kevin Fall (ACM, USA)

Keynote 2: March 13, 2019

Title: "Studies on Interactive Robots"

Speaker: Hiroshi Ishiguro (Osaka University, Japan)

Visit http://www.percom.org/node/21 for more detail.


Panel Session


"Is Privacy Regulation Slowing Down or

 Enabling the Wide  Adoption of Pervasive Systems?"

Panel Moderator: Claudio Bettini (Università degli Studi di Milano)


* Salil Kanhere (The University of New South Wales)

* Marc Langheinrich (The Università  della Svizzera Italiana)

* Archan Misra (Singapore Management University)

* Delphine Reinhardt (University of Göttingen)

Visit http://www.percom.org/node/29 for more detail.


List of PerCom 2019 Workshops


For more detail, visit the web pages of the workshops.

== March 11, 2019 ==

* ARDUOUS 2019 (3rd International Workshop on Annotation of useR Data for UbiquitOUs Systems)


* BiRD 2019 (International Workshop on Behavior analysis and Recognition for knowledge Discovery)


* IQ2S 2019 (10th International Workshop on Information Quality and Quality of Service for Pervasive Computing)


* MUSICAL 2019 (International Workshop on Mobile Ubiquitous Systems, Infrastructures, Communications and AppLications)


* PerAwareCity 2019 (Fourth IEEE International Workshop on Pervasive Context-Aware Smart Cities and Intelligent Transport Systems)


* PerCrowd 2019 (2nd International Workshop on Context-Awareness for Multi-Device Pervasive and Mobile Computing)


* PerIoT 2019 (Third International Workshop on Mobile and Pervasive Internet of Things)


* PerVehicle 2019 (1st International Workshop on Pervasive Computing for Vehicular System)


* TSUM (International Workshop on Technologies and Solutions for Urban Mobility)


* WristSense 2019 (Workshop on Sensing Systems and Applications using Wrist Worn Smart Devices)


* CoMoRea 2019 (15th Workshop on Context Modeling and Recognition)


* CASPer 2019 (6th International Workshop on Crowd Assisted Sensing, PERvasive Systems and Communications)


* PerPersuasion 2019 (1st International Workshop on Pervasive Persuasive System for Behavior Change)


* PerLS 2019 (Third International Workshop on Pervasive Smart Living Spaces)


== March 15, 2019 ==

* EmotionAware 2019 (3rd International Workshop on Emotion Awareness for Pervasive Computing with Mobile and Wearable Devices)


* PerFoT 2019 (International Workshop on Pervasive Flow of Things)


* SmartEdge 2019 (Third International Workshop on Smart Edge Computing and Networking)


* SPT-IoT 2019 (The Third Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in the Internet of Things)


* UNAGI 2019 (Workshop on UNmanned aerial vehicle Applications in the Smart City: from Guidance technology to enhanced system Interaction)


* PerDial 2019 (The 1st International Workshop on Pervasive Computing and Spoken Dialogue Systems)


* PerHealth 2019 (4th IEEE PerCom Workshop on Pervasive Health Technologies)


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