IEEE WoWMoM 2019
Joint Call for Co-located Events
9-12 June 2019, Washington DC, USA

IEEE WoWMoM is offering an exciting program of co-located events, including
- 7 high-quality workshops
- 1 Demonstration Session
- 1 PhD forum

Below we provide the key features of each event.
For additional information, please refer to the conference website
and to the websites of the individual events listed below.

All submissions are handled through EDAS at

Full manuscript due:             March 11, 2019       
Acceptance notification:         April 15, 2019
Camera-ready deadline:           April 29, 2019
IEEE WoWMoM 2019 is organising 7 high-quality workshops covering distinct areas 
and hot topics
in the area of of wireless, mobile, and multimedia networking as well as 
ubiquitous and 
pervasive systems.  Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Explore 
Digital Library as 
part of the overall conference proceedings. 

The list of workshops (with deadlines) are below. Please consider submitting 
your work to the 
most appropriate venues. 

- IEEE Workshop on Communication, Computing, and Networking in Cyber-Physical 
  (IEEE CCNCPS 2019)
- 1st International Workshop on Data Distribution in Pervasive and Industrial 
Internet (DIPI)
- IEEE Workshop on Mobile Energy Sharing Networks (MESN'19)
- Workshop on Edge Computing and Caching in Communication Networks (E3CN)
- SwarmNet: Wireless Networking, Planning, and Computing for Unmanned Aerial 
Vehicle Swarms
- 2nd SmartGrid Resilience (SGR) Workshop
- The Internet of Things: Smart Objects and Services (IoT-SoS)

IEEE Workshop on Communication, Computing, and Networking in Cyber-Physical 

The new paradigms and tremendous advances in computing, communications and 
control have 
provided and supported wide range of applications in all domains of life, in 
bridging the physical components and the cyber space leading to the Cyber 
Physical Systems 
(CPS). The notion of CPS is to use recent computing, communication, and control 
methods to 
design and operate intelligent and autonomous systems using cutting edge 
technologies. This 
requires the use of computing resources for sensing, processing, analysis, 
understanding of data, and then communication resources for interaction, 
intervention, and 
interface management, and finally provide control for systems so that they can 
evolve, and run in a stable evidence-based environment. CPS has extraordinary 
significance for 
the future of several industrial domains and hence, it is expected that the 
complexity in CPS 
will continue to increase due to the integration of cyber components with 
physical and 
industrial systems. This workshop solicits unpublished research work related to 
the latest 
challenges, technologies, solutions, techniques and fundamentals pertaining to 
computing, networking, control. 

URL: https://sites.google.com/site/ccncps/2019


1st International Workshop on Data Distribution in Pervasive and Industrial 
Internet (DIPI)

The ubiquitous presence of data originating from the integration of wireless 
pervasive computing, industrial equipment and people has led to an increased 
interest in 
solutions for distributed data management and efficient data distribution at 
the edge of the 
networked environments. At the same time, the cyber-physical convergence, which 
assists cyber 
components such as sensing systems and dynamic physical components such as 
industrial and 
mechanical systems to achieve close interactions and feedback loops, leads to 
the industry's 
transition towards industrial integration and informatization. Those 
advancements encompass not 
only hardware and software, but also data integration and embrace a collection 
of techniques 
that use data analysis, manipulation, and distribution to achieve higher 
effectiveness, reliability, and security within the industrial and pervasive 
internet. The 
essence of this vision is the creation of data-driven networks saturated with 
sensing, computing, and wireless communication that ideally support the needs 
of individuals, 
societies and industries. The existence of large volumes of data in the 
industrial and 
pervasive internet has already found its way into many current commercial 
systems due to the 
tremendous advances in a broad spectrum of technologies including industrial 
internet of 
things, pervasive computing and communications, and industrial cyber-physical 

DIPI 2019 will provide a leading edge technical forum for researchers, 
engineers, and students 
alike to share their state-of-the art research and developmental work in the 
area of data 
distribution in industrial and pervasive internet. The workshop intends to 
attract research 
contributions focusing on data distribution in pervasive and industrial 
internet from the 
following the communities of Industrial Internet, Pervasive Computing and 
Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, Internet of Things. 

URL: http://cnd.iit.cnr.it/dipi2019/


IEEE Workshop on Mobile Energy Sharing Networks (MESN'19)

The organizing committee of the IEEE WoWMoM workshop on Mobile Energy Sharing 
Networks (MESN) 
is glad to welcome you to the first of this workshop series, which will be held 
in June 2019 in 
Washington D.C., USA.

The MESN 2019 workshop will bring together academics, researchers, and industry 
from around the world to discuss and exchange ideas on recent developments, 
current research 
challenges and future directions in the use of energy sharing among mobile 
nodes in different 
network applications and benefit from each other's findings and initiate 
collaborations to 
address the interdisciplinary nature of the topic.

URL: https://sites.google.com/vcu.edu/mobile-energy-sharing-networks


Workshop on Edge Computing and Caching in Communication Networks (E3CN)

Edge Computing is among the most active research fields today and is an 
essential technology in 
the next-generation communication systems. Edge computing deploys cloud 
functions in edge nodes 
such as base stations, access points, routers and smart phones, which is a 
expectation to provide low latency, low cost, proximity and high bandwidth 
network service. 
However, transforming this expectation into reality requires significant 
research efforts. This 
workshop will be devoted to the presentation of pioneering works targeting edge 
computing in 
communication networks. Additionally, the increasing demand for massive 
multimedia services in 
cellular networks poses great challenges on network capacity and backhaul links.

URL: http://cie.shmtu.edu.cn/e3cn/


SwarmNet: Wireless Networking, Planning, and Computing for Unmanned Aerial 
Vehicle Swarms

Recent advances in embedded computing, wireless communication, flight 
controllers, and 
miniaturized sensing have enabled the growth of unmanned aerial vehicles 
(UAVs). Networked 
swarms of such UAVs promise breakthroughs in public safety, commercial, and 
applications including search-and-rescue, disaster response, infrastructure 
environmental monitoring, virtual/augmented reality, and ISR (intelligence, 
surveillance and 

The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers working at the 
intersection of 
wireless networking, mobile computing, sensing, robotics, and/or planning to 
address a myriad 
of fundamental technical challenges that must be solved before UAV swarms and, 
more broadly, 
multi-UAV systems can be safely, effectively, and widely deployed. Since many 
of these 
challenges will not be able to be addressed without the help of UAV swarm 
simulation platforms, 
experimental testbeds/prototypes, and experimental evaluations, papers on these 
topics are 
especially encouraged.

URL: https://swarmnet-workshop.github.io/


2nd SmartGrid Resilience (SGR) Workshop

The workshop will take place during WoWMoM 2019 in Washington DC, USA. 
Previously unpublished 
contributions in resilience methodologies derived by experimental and 
communication, networking and data analytics techniques for the SmartGrid are 

URL: https://www.ariel.ac.il/wp/amitd/sgr-wowmom-2019/


The Internet of Things: Smart Objects and Services (IoT-SoS)

The aim of the workshop is to bring together practitioners and researchers from 
both academia 
and industry in order to have a forum for discussion and technical 
presentations on the recent 
advances in theory, application and implementation of the Internet of Things 
technologies, protocols, algorithms, and services.

URL: http://www2.ing.unipi.it/iot-sos2019/

Full manuscript due:             March 29, 2019       
Acceptance notification:         April 12, 2019
Camera-ready deadline:           April 29, 2019
WoWMoM 2019 invites technical demonstrations and posters showing innovative and 
research in the areas of wireless, mobile, and multimedia networking as well as 
ubiquitous and 
pervasive systems.

Submissions from both industry and academia are strongly encouraged.
A Best Demo Award will be granted by WoWMoM 2019, based on innovation and 

The submissions should include an extended abstract of up to three pages in 
accordance with the 
IEEE Computer Society Author Guidelines. The abstract should explicitly state 
what will be 
demonstrated to the WoWMoM audience, and how the attendees will be able to 
interact, enjoy, and 
experiment. A full list of authors with complete affiliations should be 
included. Power and 
wireless Internet connectivity will be available at the venue. Please clearly 
state if any 
additional resources are needed for arrangements to be made in the email to the 
demo chairs 
(not in the abstract).

All submissions will undergo a rigorous review process. The extended abstracts 
of accepted 
demonstrations will be included in the proceedings of WoWMoM 2019.
At least one author of each accepted demo is required to register and present 
their demo at the 

Full manuscript due:             March 29, 2019       
Acceptance notification:         April 12, 2019
Camera-ready deadline:           April 29, 2019
IEEE WoWMoM 2019 will host a PhD Forum providing an opportunity to PhD students 
for presenting 
their dissertation research, recently finished or still ongoing, in the areas 
of wireless, 
mobile, and multimedia networking as well as ubiquitous and pervasive systems. 
The forum 
encourages the interaction among PhD students, and helps them to obtain 
feedback from senior 
researchers from academia, industry, and government. The forum will be 
organized as a poster 
session and will include a short introduction by each student.

Current PhD students and researchers who completed their PhD dissertations 
after March 2018 are 
encouraged to submit extended abstracts. The PhD student and his/her advisor(s) 
can be the only 
authors. Submissions will be reviewed to ensure quality and relevance. Authors 
of accepted 
submissions are expected to attend WoWMoM 2019 and present their poster at the 
PhD Forum. 
Accepted extended abstracts will appear in conference proceedings.
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