------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21st International Workshop on Trust in Agent Societies https://sites.google.com/view/trust2019/
Co-located with AAMAS 2019 (http://aamas2019.encs.concordia.ca/) May 13-17, 2019, Montreal - Canada ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The AAMAS 2019 TRUST workshop will have the theme: The Whole World is Watching. The development of multiagent trust and reputation systems has been a vibrant topic of research at AAMAS conferences each year. This year, the workshop will aim to introduce our field of study to researchers in related subfields and to industrial representatives who may be attending the conference in order to learn more about AI. There has been increasing interest worldwide in the use of AI within private and public sector organizations, and a common concern has been the trustworthiness of the systems being used. As our current research is presented at this workshop, a new audience will learn about our field of study and what it entails. In addition to paper presentations, the workshop will include a guest speaker and a panel discussion on how trust modeling research has evolved over time. Topics of interest include the following (a non-exclusive list): - Trust and risk-aware decision making - Game-theoretic models of trust - Trust and security in the context of adversarial agents - Deception and fraud, and its detection and prevention - Intrusion resilience in trusted computing - Reputation mechanisms - Validating trust models - Trust within socio-technical systems and organizations - Socio-cognitive models of trust - Trust within service-oriented architectures - Human or agent trust in agent partners - Trust in multi-robotic systems - Trust within social networks - Trust and ethics for multiagent systems - Detecting and preventing collusion - Improving transparency in multiagent systems - Detecting and addressing mistrust of multiagent systems from human users - Real-world applications of multiagent trust modeling We welcome submissions of high-quality research addressing issues that are clearly relevant to trust, deception, reputation, security and control, from theoretical, applied and interdisciplinary perspectives. Submitted contributions should be original and not submitted elsewhere. Papers accepted for presentation must be relevant to the workshop and to demonstrate clear exposition, offering new ideas is suitable depth and detail. Papers will be a maximum of 12 single-columned pages (Springer style), and submitted through the Easychair system: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=trust2019 -------------------------- Important Dates o Submission deadline: February 26, 2019 (no extension) o Notification: March 21, 2019 o Camera-ready deadline: March 29, 2019 -------------------------- Organising Committee o Jie Zhang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore o Robin Cohen, University of Waterloo, Canada o Rino Falcone, ISTC-CNR, Roma, Italy o Athirai A. Irissappane, University of Washington, USA
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