Dear Robert,

there has been some work done on explanation in the last couple of year. The following paper from the PGM 2016 conference lists a number of more recent papers in its bibliography:



Op 11-12-2018 om 18:24 schreef Francisco Javier Diez:
Robert Dodier wrote on 06/12/2018 19:33:
Hi everybody,

I am catching up on current research in Bayesian belief networks after some years in the wilderness. I'm interested in the possibility of Bayesian inference applications in medicine. Towards that end, I think explanation or some other qualitative presentation of results could be important to help people understand how and why results are generated.

A web search seems to find references that I remember seeing before, such as the excellent article by Madigan et al., "Graphical Explanation in Belief Networks". However i can't seem to find more recent works on this topic. I also browsed the proceedings of the UAI conference and came up empty handed. I guess I must be overlooking something.

If someone can point me to publications or other resources about explanation or other forms of qualitative analysis in belief networks or probabilistic models more generally, I'll be very appreciative.

Dear Robert,

These publications are not recent but might be interesting for you.

C. Lacave, F. J. Díez (2002). A review of explanation methods for
Bayesian networks. Knowledge Engineering Review 17:107-127.

C. Lacave, F. J. Díez (2004) A review of explanation methods for
heuristic expert systems. Knowledge Engineering Review 19:133-146.

C. Lacave, A. Oniśko, F. J. Díez (2006) Use of Elvira's explanation
facility for debugging probabilistic expert systems. Knowledge-Based
Systems 19:730-738.

C. Lacave, M. Luque, F. J. Díez (2007) Explanation of Bayesian networks
and influence diagrams in Elvira. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and
Cybernetics, Part B, 37:952-965.

Most of the explanation facilities developed for Elvira are now
implemented in its successor, OpenMarkov,

You may also find interesting explanation facilities in GeNIe, which is
distributed by BayesFusion,

If you find more recent references, please let us know. I am very
interested in the topic, but I don't remember seeing any progress in the
last years.

Best wishes

Francisco Javier Diez
Dept. Artificial Intelligence      Phone: +34-913987161
UNED. c/Juan del Rosal, 16
28040 Madrid. Spain      

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