Dear Colleagues,

Robotics is currently running a Special Issue entitled "Collaborative
Mechatronics Systems". Prof. Dr. Wenjun (Chris) Zhang, from University
of Saskatchewan, Dr. Yingzi Lin, from Northeastern University, are
serving as Guest Editors for this issue.

We are pleased to invite you to submit your papers to this Special Issue
of Robotics, "Collaborative Mechatronics Systems".

Mechatronics systems are multi-disciplinary systems, and their operation
principles involve interactions of different principles in different
scientific domains, typically electric and mechanical domains. To
mechatronic systems that operate together with humans, human factors
become extremely important in terms of the ultimate task performance and
the safety of human operators. Mechatronic systems in this context are
called collaborative mechatronic systems. The key issues with
collaborative mechatronic systems are communication and cooperation with
human operators. More specifically, they are about how a mechatronic
system knows a human operator’s physical and mind state and how a
mechatronic system operates with a human operator to accomplish their
common goal while guaranteeing a high degree of safety and health to the
human operator.

For further reading, please follow the link to the Special Issue Website

The submission deadline is 31 March 2019. You may send your manuscript
now or up until the deadline. Submitted papers should not be under
consideration for publication elsewhere. We also encourage authors to
send a short abstract or tentative title to the Editorial Office in
advance (

From Volume 6, all papers published in Robotics will be added in Scopus.
The journal is also indexed in Web of Science (Thomson Reuters), as part
of the ESCI database.

Robotics is fully open access. Open access (unlimited and free access by
readers) increases publicity and promotes more frequent citations, as
indicated by several studies. Open access is supported by the authors
and their institutes. An Article Processing Charge (APC) of CHF 350
currently applies to all accepted papers. You may be entitled to a
discount if you have previously received a discount code or if your
institute is participating in the MDPI Institutional Open Access Program
(IOAP), for more information see:

For further details on the submission process, please see the
instructions for authors at the journal website

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
Linda Wang
Managing Editor

Robotics (ISSN 2218-6581; is a
journal published by MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Robotics maintains
rigorous peer-review and a rapid publication process. All articles are
published with a CC BY 4.0 license. For more information on the CC BY
license, please see:

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