*** Please forward to anyone who might be interested ***
Call for Posters and Demos: ACM IUI 2019
to be held in
Los Angeles, CA, USA, March 17-20, 2019
ACM IUI 2019 is the 24th annual meeting of the intelligent interfaces
community and serves as a premier international forum for reporting
outstanding research and development on intelligent user interfaces. In
2019, IUI will be held in the Marriott Marina Del Rey in Los Angeles, CA
from March 17th - 20th.
ACM IUI is where the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) community meets the
Artificial Intelligence (AI) community, also accepting contributions from
related fields such as psychology, behavioral science, cognitive science,
computer graphics, design or the arts. This year we especially encourage
submissions on explainable intelligent user interfaces for IUI 2019.
** Why you should submit to ACM IUI **
At ACM IUI, we focus on the interaction between machine intelligence and
human intelligence. While other conferences focus on one side or the
other, we address the complex interaction between the two. We welcome
research that explores how to make the interaction between computers and
people smarter, which may leverage solutions from data mining, knowledge
representation, novel interaction paradigms, and emerging technologies. We
strongly encourage submissions that discuss research from both HCI and AI
simultaneously, but also welcome works that focus more on one side or the
The conference brings together people from academia, industry and
non-profit organizations and gives its participants the opportunity to
present and see cutting-edge IUI work in a focused and interactive
setting. It is large enough to be diverse and lively, but small enough to
allow for extensive interaction among attendees and easy attendance to the
events that the conference offers, ranging from oral paper presentations,
poster sessions, workshops, panels and doctoral consortium for graduate
IUI topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Affective and aesthetic interfaces
- Big Data and analytics
- Collaborative interfaces
- Education and learning-related technologies
- Evaluations of intelligent user interfaces
- Explainable intelligent user interfaces.
- Health and intelligent health technologies
- Information retrieval and search
- Intelligent assistants for complex tasks
- Intelligent wearable and mobile interfaces
- Intelligent ubiquitous user interfaces
- Intelligent visualization tools
- Interactive machine learning
- Knowledge-based approaches to user interface design and generation
- Modeling and prediction of user behavior
- Multi-modal interfaces (speech, gestures, eye gaze, face, physiological
information etc.)
- Natural language and speech processing
- Persuasive and assistive technologies in IUI
- Planning and plan recognition for IUI
- Proactive and agent-based user interaction
- Recommender systems
- Smart environments and tangible computing
- Social media analysis
- User Modelling for Intelligent Interfaces
- User-Adaptive interaction and personalization
** Dates **
Submission Due: Dec 21st, 2018
Notification to Authors: Jan 14th, 2019
Camera Ready Due: Jan 21st, 2019
** Submission - Poster and Demo **
The demonstrations track complements the overall program of the
conference. Demonstrations show implementations of novel, interesting, and
important intelligent user interface concepts or systems. We invite
submissions relevant to intelligent user interfaces and which address, but
are not limited to, the topics of the conference. All submissions are
intended to convey a scientific result or work in progress and should not
be advertisements for commercial software packages. The page limit for
demo papers is 2 pages (including references). Accepted demo papers will
be presented as interactive demonstrations at IUI and published in the
companion proceedings of the conference.
Posters provide an opportunity for sharing valuable last-minute ideas,
eliciting useful feedback on early-stage work and fostering discussions
and collaborations among colleagues. We invite submissions on all topics
of the conference. All submissions should convey a scientific result or
work in progress that is not yet ready to be published as a full length
research paper at a refereed conference. Submitting a draft poster along
with your submission is not required but recommended. The page limit for
poster papers is 2 pages (including references). Accepted poster papers
will appear in the companion proceedings of the conference.
Submission Instructions
Demo and poster submissions do not need to be anonymized. The page limit
is 2 pages (including references) in 2-column portrait ACM SIGCHI template
(http://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template). Submitting a draft
poster along with your poster submission is not required but recommended.
Submit your demos and posters at PCS 2.0:
Chairs - poster-iui2...@acm.org
Leo Liu, Adobe, USA
Yukiko Nakano, Seikei University, Japan
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