The NOVA LINCS Knowledge-Based Systems Group at Nova University of Lisbon
is seeking outstanding highly motivated candidates for 2 PostDoc positions
and 2 PhD Student positions to work within the scope of the following two

Project FORGET - Forgetting what Needs to be Forgotten
Being able to selectively forget information from data and knowledge bases
is fundamental to properly deal with legal and privacy issues, for instance
to implement court decisions ordering the elimination of illegally acquired
or maintained information, or to comply with the right to be forgotten,
recently enacted in the EU General Data Protection Regulation. However,
forgetting is not as easy as deleting the item to be forgotten, since
additional changes may be required to keep the intensional meaning of the
remaining data and knowledge, and to guarantee that the forgotten
information cannot be recovered from the stored results of previous
computations that used it. The FORGET project will develop a principled
solution, composed of theory, methods and tools, to effectively and
efficiently forget selected information from data and knowledge bases,
while preserving what should not be forgotten.

Project RIVER - Reasoning with Knowledge and Data Streams
Recent developments originally triggered by initiatives such as the
Semantic Web, Linked Open Data, and the Web of Things, resulted in the wide
and increasing availability of machine-processable data and knowledge in
the form of data streams and knowledge bases, which is preparing the ground
for a new class of dynamic, rich, knowledge-intensive applications.
Examples can be found in domains such as the Smart Grid, assisted living
and alarm handling in telecommunications. These require automated reasoning
with the integration of several heterogeneous knowledge bases (KB) together
with several heterogeneous data/event streams to support automation and
problem-solving, enforce traceable and correct decisions, and facilitate
the internalization of relevant dynamic data and knowledge and the project
will provide the necessary theory and tools to deal with such heterogeneous
KB and data/event streams in an integrated way and apply them to two
practical use-cases.

PostDoc positions

For PostDoc positions, candidates should hold a PhD. or equivalent degree.
Excellent candidates in a final phase of their PhD. studies can also be
considered. Suitable disciplines include Computer Science, Artificial
Intelligence, Mathematics, Machine Learning and other related areas. A
strong publication record is considered a plus. Candidates are expected to
be fluent in spoken and written English. PostDocs can, optionally,
supervise MSc and PhD projects.

The positions are available immediately but the start time can be
negotiated. The positions are fixed-term and filled initially for 1 year
with an option for extension of 1-2 years.

Applicants should express their interest by sending the following documents
by email according to the instructions below:
- a cover letter briefly describing your background and interests;
- a Curriculum Vitae (with contact details);
- names and contact information (email) of at least two references;
- a link to electronic copy of Ph.D. Thesis (if available);
- links to electronic copies of 1-2 most relevant publications.

PhD Student positions

For PhD Student positions, candidates should hold a MSc. or equivalent
degree in a suitable area (e.g. Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence,
Mathematics, Machine Learning) or be a MSc Student in a final phase of
studies. Candidates are expected to have good programming and mathematical
skills, and be proficient in spoken and written English.

Excellent candidates in a final phase of their Ph.D. studies can also be
considered. Suitable disciplines include Computer Science, Artificial
Intelligence, Mathematics, Machine Learning and other related areas. A
strong publication record is considered a plus. Candidates are expected to
be fluent in spoken and written English.

The positions are available immediately but the start time can be
negotiated. The positions are fixed-term and filled initially for 1 year
with an option for renewal.

Applicants should express their interest by sending the following documents
by email according to the instructions below:
- a motivation letter;
- a Curriculum Vitae (with contact details);
- names and contact information (email) of at least two references;
- transcript of records (courses and grades)
- a link to electronic copy of MSc Thesis (if available);
- a list of publications (if available)

Contact Information:
Send the documents by email both to Joao Leite <> and
Matthias Knorr <> with subject "PostDoc/PhD Student call KBS
Deadline: November 14th, 2018.
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